Fred-Jürgen Schiele Profile Picture

Fred-Jürgen Schiele

Twistetal, Germany
Artist (Photography, Digital Arts)
Born 1958
I love to reveal the often hidden beauty of nature in its details, or even ordinary things.

As a young man Schiele did an apprenticeship as a photographer in Hamburg, but since it was commercial photography and did not match his inclinations, he photographed only sporadically for many years. Some drawings and watercolours were made in the meantime.
In recent years, as digital photography gained momentum and the partial digitalisation of art, he became more involved again.

Schiele started taking pictures again and experimented with macro photography and landscapes. He found that macro photography and its details exerted a fascination that is completely hidden from the normal view with the naked eye. Schiele also modified and worked with the use of old lenses, or even projector lenses. This creates often an exciting bouquet, which is not possible with normal lenses or it can only be created digitally afterwards.

In the course of his work,he also came across dilapidated objects, plants and objects that were already in a state of advanced decay. This has a special charm in his eyes and a beauty that does not exist in most people's eyes when viewed superficially and yet it is there. Some of his works reveal this beauty and the appeal of age and decay.

Another field of Schiele's artistic interest is the digital modification of erotical drawings or normal photographs. He very often find it a balancing act between a blissful symbiosis or a cruel incompatible smear.

Discover contemporary artworks by Fred-Jürgen Schiele, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary german artists. Artistic domains: Photography, Digital Arts. Account type: Artist , member since 2022 (Country of origin Germany). Buy Fred-Jürgen Schiele's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Fred-Jürgen Schiele. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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1 artwork by Fred-Jürgen Schiele (Selection)

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Digital Arts titled "Completely entangled" by Fred-Jürgen Schiele, Original Artwork, Digital Collage
Completely entangled - Digital Arts ©2023 by Fred-Jürgen Schiele - Surrealism, surrealism-627, artwork_cat.Feminine, entangled, woman, nude, blue, paradise, freedom, slavery, decision, Eve, affair, passion
"Completely entangled"

Digital Arts | Several sizes

Available from $34.73
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