La piazza (2020) Drawing by Francesco Cagnato

Pastel on Paper, 16.5x23.2 in
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Seller Francesco Cagnato

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Max resolution: 2555 x 1735 px
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Seller Francesco Cagnato

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork is framed
Mounted on Cardboard
This artwork appears in 10 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Drawing, Pastel / Ink on Paper
  • Dimensions 19.7x26.8 in
    Dimensions of the work alone, without framing: Height 16.5in, Width 23.2in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in very good condition
  • Framing This artwork is framed (Frame + Under Glass)
  • Categories Drawings under $5,000 Conceptual Art Everyday Life
Ispirato dal lavoro di Renato Mambor, il disegno nasce da una esigenza, evidenziare l'alienazione della mente umana durante la routine quotidiana. Cinque figure scelte a caso tra quelle che stazionano o transitano sotto la finestra del mio studio, cinque silhouette i cui lineamenti sono appena accennati, quasi inesistenti, riempiono lo spazio[...]
Ispirato dal lavoro di Renato Mambor, il disegno nasce da una esigenza, evidenziare l'alienazione della mente umana durante la routine quotidiana. Cinque figure scelte a caso tra quelle che stazionano o transitano sotto la finestra del mio studio, cinque silhouette i cui lineamenti sono appena accennati, quasi inesistenti, riempiono lo spazio come fossero su un proscenio teatrale.
Senza animazione, le figure sono accomunate tra di loro dalla staticità delle pose e dei movimenti, uguali nel presente a quelli di ieri e di domani. Opera incorniciata dim. complessiva cm. 68x50

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RoutineVita Quotidiana

Automatically translated
Francesco Cagnato is a contemporary Italian artist whose works are crafted using traditional materials such as chalk, charcoal, sanguine, ink, and oil-based mediums. Each completed[...]

Francesco Cagnato is a contemporary Italian artist whose works are crafted using traditional materials such as chalk, charcoal, sanguine, ink, and oil-based mediums. Each completed piece bears a distinct appearance, yet they are all interconnected by a subtle logical thread, representing fragments of his unique and unrepeatable life experiences.

While Cagnato possesses a slight preference for landscape views over depictions of the human figure, he finds both themes equally captivating. Drawing inspiration from the places he has visited, he channels strong sensations into his paintings and drawings, experiencing them in a deeply personal and immersive manner.

Cagnato's journey into the world of painting began serendipitously many years ago and has since evolved with increasing vigor. It was through this artistic exploration that he discovered the profound connection between the fragments of his life and his creative output. Painting, once a casual pursuit, has transformed into an indispensable aspect of his existence, fulfilling a deep-seated need for self-expression and personal reflection.

See more from Francesco Cagnato

View all artworks
Pastel on Paper | 11.8x17.3 in
Oil on Canvas | 19.7x23.6 in
Charcoal on Paper | 39.4x27.6 in
Charcoal on Paper | 11.4x16.5 in


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