Francesc Serra Profile Picture

Francesc Serra

Avinyonet del Penedès, Spain
Artist (Sculpture)
Born 1964

Con pocos años mi madre se sorprendía viéndome modelar soldaditos de plastilina para jugar. Cuando terminé la primaria, el centro educativo donde estudié me orientó hacia las bellas artes. Al llegar a la adolescencia, el poderoso influjo de la música en diferentes ámbitos me llevó a la profesión que aún hoy ejerzo, la de profesor de música en un conservatorio. Cumplidos los 40 descubrí nuevamente mi afición por modelar. Creí en mis capacidades y profundizé en el estudio de la escultura, primero en la escuela Llotja y después en la Massana, ambas en Barcelona. Además del modelado me interesé por la talla en piedra, y durante esos primeros años realizé varios viajes a Portugal para trabajar con diferentes tipos de mármol de las canteras locales. Actualmente he iniciado una línea de obras en bronce a través de la fundición a la cera perdida, lo que me permite realizar distintas piezas de una misma obra y empuja mi voluntad de mostrarlas al público en general.

Discover contemporary artworks by Francesc Serra, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary spanish artists. Artistic domains: Sculpture. Account type: Artist , member since 2023 (Country of origin Spain). Buy Francesc Serra's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Francesc Serra. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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All artworks by Francesc Serra

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Sculpture titled "Pisces" by Francesc Serra, Original Artwork, Stone
Pisces - Sculpture, 9.1x9.5 in ©2013 by Francesc Serra - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Fish, Ying-Yang, Astrology, Love, Animals

Sculpture - Stone | 9.1x9.5 in

Sculpture titled "Joier" by Francesc Serra, Original Artwork, Bronze
Joier - Sculpture, 4.1x5 in ©2022 by Francesc Serra - Figurative, figurative-594, Dark Fantasy

Sculpture - Bronze | 4.1x5 in

Sculpture titled "Troll king's cup" by Francesc Serra, Original Artwork, Wood
Troll king's cup - Sculpture, 17.1x6.3 in ©2007 by Francesc Serra - Land Art, land-art-957, Fantasy
"Troll king's cup"

Sculpture - Wood | 17.1x6.3 in

Sculpture titled "Virgem" by Francesc Serra, Original Artwork, Stone
Virgem - Sculpture, 33.5x11.8 in ©2007 by Francesc Serra - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Women Portraits

Sculpture - Stone | 33.5x11.8 in

Sculpture titled "Incensari" by Francesc Serra, Original Artwork, Bronze
Incensari - Sculpture, 2.4x11 in ©2023 by Francesc Serra - Land Art, land-art-957, Fantasy

Sculpture - Bronze | 2.4x11 in

Sculpture titled "Joker&Family" by Francesc Serra, Original Artwork, Clay
Joker&Family - Sculpture, 4.3x9.8 in ©2021 by Francesc Serra - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Pop Culture

Sculpture - Clay | 4.3x9.8 in

Not For Sale
Sculpture titled "Maternitat" by Francesc Serra, Original Artwork, Bronze
Maternitat - Sculpture, 13x11 in ©2022 by Francesc Serra - Figurative, figurative-594, Love

Sculpture - Bronze | 13x11 in

Sculpture titled "Natura i progrés" by Francesc Serra, Original Artwork, Plaster
Natura i progrés - Sculpture, 23.6x11 in ©2008 by Francesc Serra - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Bird
"Natura i progrés"

Sculpture - Plaster | 23.6x11 in

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