Sculptures originales à vendre

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Sculpture intitulée "愚·山(Mountain-backed…" par Zhang Youzhi, Œuvre d'art originale, Pierre
愚·山(Mountain-backed Ox) - Sculpture, 15,4x15,4 in ©2024 par Zhang Youzhi - Oriental Art, oriental-art-940, Animal,

Zhang Youzhi

"愚·山(Mountain-backed Ox)"

Sculpture - Pierre | 15,4x15,4 in

9 471 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Babyfoot XS Red Can…" par Idan Zareski, Œuvre d'art originale, Résine
Babyfoot XS Red Candy - Sculpture, 10,2x7,1 in ©2024 par Idan Zareski - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Portraits d’enfants, idan zareski, babyfoot xs, contemporary sculpture, bigfoot series, limited edition sculpture, high-quality resin, buy art online, artmajeur, modern art, childhood memories, whimsical sculpture, art collection, lifelike expressions, detailed sculpture, unique design, art collectors, decorative art, fine art, home decor, office art

Idan Zareski

"Babyfoot XS Red Candy"

Sculpture - Résine | 10,2x7,1 in

3 597,4 $US
Sculpture intitulée ""Futuristic Soul"" par Elena Kraft, Œuvre d'art originale, Métaux
"Futuristic Soul" - Sculpture, 25,6x15,8 in ©2024 par Elena Kraft - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Science-fiction, future, cyber, cyberwoman, technologic, mashine, elegance, futuristic, unique, surreal

Elena Kraft

""Futuristic Soul""

Sculpture - Métaux | 25,6x15,8 in

5 424,23 $US
Sculpture intitulée "XAXIM BRUTALIST FACE" par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design), Œuvre d'art originale, Béton
XAXIM BRUTALIST FACE - Sculpture, 8,9x3,9 in ©2023 par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design) -

Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design)


Sculpture - Béton | 8,9x3,9 in

464,78 $US
Sculpture intitulée "BLUMAU BRUTALIST FA…" par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design), Œuvre d'art originale, Béton
BLUMAU BRUTALIST FACE - Sculpture, 8,7x4,7 in ©2023 par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design) -

Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design)


Sculpture - Béton | 8,7x4,7 in

460,34 $US
Sculpture intitulée ""The Quiet Light of…" par Elena Kraft, Œuvre d'art originale, Bois
"The Quiet Light of Dawn" - Sculpture, 16,1x12,2 in ©2024 par Elena Kraft - Figurative, figurative-594, Portrait, Lightl, peace, nature, oroginal, modern, unique, iluminate, gold, spiritual

Elena Kraft

""The Quiet Light of Dawn""

Sculpture - Bois | 16,1x12,2 in

1 863,54 $US
Sculpture intitulée "BELADO BRUTALIST FA…" par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design), Œuvre d'art originale, Ciment
BELADO BRUTALIST FACE - Sculpture, 8,7x3,7 in ©2023 par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design) - Figurative, figurative-594, Portrait,

Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design)


Sculpture - Ciment | 8,7x3,7 in

464,78 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Babyfoot XS Aubergi…" par Idan Zareski, Œuvre d'art originale, Résine
Babyfoot XS Aubergine - Sculpture, 10,2x7,1 in ©2024 par Idan Zareski - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Portraits d’enfants, idan zareski, babyfoot xs, contemporary sculpture, bigfoot series, limited edition sculpture, high-quality resin, buy art online, artmajeur, modern art, childhood memories, whimsical sculpture, art collection, lifelike expressions, detailed sculpture, unique design, art collectors, decorative art, fine art, home decor, office art

Idan Zareski

"Babyfoot XS Aubergine"

Sculpture - Résine | 10,2x7,1 in

3 597,4 $US
Sculpture intitulée "1. monster on wall" par Branimir Misic, Œuvre d'art originale, Métaux Monté sur Métal
1. monster on wall - Sculpture, 18,9x13,8 in ©2019 par Branimir Misic - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Gothique, dada art, expressive art, modern sculpture, gargoyle portrait, head on wall, watching, cold face, head of old, brut art, kitchen art, wall cold face, art over time, from old, new, different art, another art, art of old, handy, handy art, on wall art

Branimir Misic

"1. monster on wall"

Sculpture - Métaux | 18,9x13,8 in

715,43 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Ballerina Alchemica…" par Clara D'Onofrio, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
Ballerina Alchemica Albedo - Sculpture, 11,8x3,9 in ©2022 par Clara D'Onofrio - Abstract, abstract-570, Esotérisme, bronzo

Clara D'Onofrio

"Ballerina Alchemica Albedo"

Sculpture - Bronze | 11,8x3,9 in

2 552,38 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Black and White" par Jaromir Gargulak, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
Black and White - Sculpture, 7,9x5,9 in ©2024 par Jaromir Gargulak - Figurative, figurative-594, Portrait, bronze, largesite, face, portrit, artisticlook, love, figurative

Jaromir Gargulak

"Black and White"

Sculpture - Bronze | 7,9x5,9 in

6 516,84 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Above the Pine Tree" par Jiang Wang, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
Above the Pine Tree - Sculpture, 21,7x15 in ©2023 par Jiang Wang - Figurative, figurative-594, Cheval, pine, horse, chinese culture, symbolism, nature, water, bronze sculpture

Jiang Wang

"Above the Pine Tree"

Sculpture - Bronze | 21,7x15 in

8 836 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Return II" par Spyros Koikas, Œuvre d'art originale, Pierre
Return II - Sculpture, 18,5x7,1 in ©2024 par Spyros Koikas - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Géométrique, sculpture, marble, greek, conceptual, sculptor, koikas, minimal, return, sailing

Spyros Koikas

"Return II"

Sculpture - Pierre | 18,5x7,1 in

4 496,9 $US
Sculpture intitulée "小提琴为谁而奏(The Melodic…" par Zhao Yongchang, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
小提琴为谁而奏(The Melodic Panda Warrior) - Sculpture, 16,1x11,8 in ©2024 par Zhao Yongchang - Figurative, figurative-594, Animal,

Zhao Yongchang

"小提琴为谁而奏(The Melodic Panda Warrior)"

Sculpture - Bronze | 16,1x11,8 in

3 547 $US
Sculpture intitulée "TRENCIN BRUTALIST F…" par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design), Œuvre d'art originale, Béton
TRENCIN BRUTALIST FACE - Sculpture, 8,7x4,9 in ©2023 par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design) -

Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design)


Sculpture - Béton | 8,7x4,9 in

461,45 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Babyfoot XS" par Idan Zareski, Œuvre d'art originale, Résine
Babyfoot XS - Sculpture, 10,2x7,1 in ©2024 par Idan Zareski - Figurative, figurative-594, Portraits d’enfants, idan zareski, babyfoot xs, contemporary sculpture, childhood joy, Bigfoot series, oversized feet, limited edition sculpture, art collection, high-quality resin, buy art online, Artmajeur, modern art, emotional art, childhood memories, whimsical sculpture, lifelike expressions, detailed sculpture, unique design, art collectors, contemporary artist

Idan Zareski

"Babyfoot XS"

Sculpture - Résine | 10,2x7,1 in

3 597,4 $US
Sculpture intitulée "W oczekiwaniu na fa…" par Romuald Wisniewski, Œuvre d'art originale, Métaux
W oczekiwaniu na falę - Sculpture, 43,3x13,4 in ©2015 par Romuald Wisniewski - Classicism, classicism-933, Bronze, bronze, act, woman, figurative art, sculpture

Romuald Wisniewski

"W oczekiwaniu na falę"

Sculpture - Métaux | 43,3x13,4 in

33 045,67 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Egoist in an old co…" par Val Filip, Œuvre d'art originale, Plâtre
Egoist in an old coat - Sculpture, 8,7x3,9 in ©2024 par Val Filip - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Nus Masculins, phallus, fallos, penis, dick, male, nude, erotic, erection

Val Filip

"Egoist in an old coat"

Sculpture - Plâtre | 8,7x3,9 in

656,68 $US
Sculpture intitulée "From Mountains to W…" par Jiang Wang, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
From Mountains to Water - Sculpture, 31,5x23,6 in ©2024 par Jiang Wang - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Montagne, mountain, water, nature, cycle of water, sustainability, resource, ecosystem

Jiang Wang

"From Mountains to Water"

Sculpture - Bronze | 31,5x23,6 in

14 690 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Corner" par Deniz Bernardi, Œuvre d'art originale, Mosaïque Monté sur Panneau de bois
Corner - Sculpture, 12,6x16,5 in ©2019 par Deniz Bernardi - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Portrait, Mosaico artistico, Espressionismo, marmi, portrait

Deniz Bernardi


Mosaïque | 12,6x16,5 in

2 288,38 $US
Impressions disponibles
Sculpture intitulée "Enlivened Nature -…" par Jiang Wang, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
Enlivened Nature - II - Sculpture, 21,3x29,5 in ©2020 par Jiang Wang - Figurative, figurative-594, Animal, deer, nature, water, connection, harmony, cycle of life

Jiang Wang

"Enlivened Nature - II"

Sculpture - Bronze | 21,3x29,5 in

14 254 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Caesar" par Val Filip, Œuvre d'art originale, Plâtre
Caesar - Sculpture, 8,7x3,9 in ©2024 par Val Filip - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Nus Masculins, phallus, fallos, penis, dick, male, nude, erotic, erection

Val Filip


Sculpture - Plâtre | 8,7x3,9 in

656,68 $US
Sculpture intitulée "English Blue" par Tomoya Nakano, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile
English Blue - Sculpture, 9,1x3,9 in ©2020 par Tomoya Nakano - Abstract, abstract-570, Portrait, blue, portrait, portraiture, figure, figurative, impasto, abstract, abstract portrait, sclpture, abstract sclpture, man, male, contemporary, modern, pop, pop art

Tomoya Nakano

"English Blue"

Sculpture - Huile | 9,1x3,9 in

2 873 $US
Sculpture intitulée "LUTLHE BRUTALIST FA…" par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design), Œuvre d'art originale, Ciment
LUTLHE BRUTALIST FACE - Sculpture, 7,1x6,7 in ©2023 par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design) - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Portrait, BRUTALISMO, SURREALISMO, VOLTO, CEMENTO, PEZZO UNICO, ARTE

Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design)


Sculpture - Ciment | 7,1x6,7 in

444,81 $US
Sculpture intitulée "BELLOY BRUTALIST FA…" par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design), Œuvre d'art originale, Béton
BELLOY BRUTALIST FACE - Sculpture, 8,9x3,7 in ©2023 par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design) -

Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design)


Sculpture - Béton | 8,9x3,7 in

457,01 $US
Sculpture intitulée "ARENAL BRUTALIST FA…" par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design), Œuvre d'art originale, Béton
ARENAL BRUTALIST FACE - Sculpture, 9,1x7,5 in ©2023 par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design) -

Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design)


Sculpture - Béton | 9,1x7,5 in

457,01 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Egoist's Tempter" par Val Filip, Œuvre d'art originale, Plâtre
Egoist's Tempter - Sculpture, 8,7x3,9 in ©2024 par Val Filip - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Nus Masculins, phallus, fallos, penis, dick, male, nude, erotic, erection, snake

Val Filip

"Egoist's Tempter"

Sculpture - Plâtre | 8,7x3,9 in

656,68 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Enlivened Nature -…" par Jiang Wang, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
Enlivened Nature - IV - Sculpture, 29,5x23,6 in ©2021 par Jiang Wang - Figurative, figurative-594, Animal, deer, nature, cycle of life, bronze, spirit of nature, water

Jiang Wang

"Enlivened Nature - IV"

Sculpture - Bronze | 29,5x23,6 in

15 442 $US
Sculpture intitulée "POROSAL BRUTALIST F…" par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design), Œuvre d'art originale, Béton
POROSAL BRUTALIST FACE - Sculpture, 8,7x3,5 in ©2024 par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design) -

Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design)


Sculpture - Béton | 8,7x3,5 in

453,68 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Malum Regem" par Krzysztof Plonka, Œuvre d'art originale, Résine
Malum Regem - Sculpture, 15,8x7,9 in ©2023 par Krzysztof Plonka - Spiritual Art, spiritual-art-1040, Nu, head, Existential, Archaic, Primitive, Monumental, Transcendence, Suffering, Tragedy, Primal, Brutalist, Mystical, Metaphysical, Iconic, Primordial, Haunting

Krzysztof Plonka

"Malum Regem"

Sculpture - Résine | 15,8x7,9 in

4 064,17 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Gran bañista" par Roberto Canduela, Œuvre d'art originale, Métaux
Gran bañista - Sculpture, 15,4x12,2 in ©2024 par Roberto Canduela - Abstract, abstract-570, Géométrique, bath, summer, sun, bather, baño, Cezanne, body, golden, dorado, cuerpo, clásico, cubism, cubismo, steel, iron, metal

Roberto Canduela

"Gran bañista"

Sculpture - Métaux | 15,4x12,2 in

3 856,86 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Enlivened Nature -…" par Jiang Wang, Œuvre d'art originale, Bronze
Enlivened Nature - 3 small size - Sculpture, 9,8x9,1 in ©2023 par Jiang Wang - Figurative, figurative-594, Animal, deer, nature, fertility, regeneration, harmony, life cycle

Jiang Wang

"Enlivened Nature - 3 small size"

Sculpture - Bronze | 9,8x9,1 in

1 630 $US
Sculpture intitulée "UKHRUL BRUTALIST FA…" par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design), Œuvre d'art originale, Ciment
UKHRUL BRUTALIST FACE - Sculpture, 6,3x5,5 in ©2023 par Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design) - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Portrait, BRUTALISMO, BRUTALISTA, CEMENTO, VOLTO, SURREALISMO, MINIMONDO

Paolo Castagna (Brutalist Design)


Sculpture - Ciment | 6,3x5,5 in

466,99 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Black Face Jug Seri…" par Juarez Hawkins, Œuvre d'art originale, Argile
Black Face Jug Series: Jolly One - Sculpture, 11,5x7,9 in ©2023 par Juarez Hawkins - Amérique, juarez, stoneware, ceramic, face jug, vessel

Juarez Hawkins

"Black Face Jug Series: Jolly One"

Sculpture - Argile | 11,5x7,9 in

2 572 $US
Sculpture intitulée "Set Of 3 Cyclone Ce…" par Dmitrii Solodcenco, Œuvre d'art originale, Mosaïque Monté sur Panneau de bois
Set Of 3 Cyclone Center Wall Decorations by TOR-Design - Sculpture, 46,9x113,8 in ©2023 par Dmitrii Solodcenco - Minimalism, minimalism-606, Arbre,

Dmitrii Solodcenco

"Set Of 3 Cyclone Center Wall Decorations by TOR-Design"

Mosaïque | 46,9x113,8 in

Pas à Vendre
Sculpture intitulée "Punky Skull Stendhal" par Sther, Œuvre d'art originale, Résine
Punky Skull Stendhal - Sculpture, 12,2x13,4 in ©2024 par Sther - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstrait, Abstrait, Crâne, Skull, Punky Skull, Sther, Basquiat, Tête de mort, Sculpture


"Punky Skull Stendhal"

Sculpture - Résine | 12,2x13,4 in

5 331,76 $US


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