Obras originales de textiles para la venta

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Arte textil titulada "Kentucky" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz
Kentucky - Arte textil, 57x32 in ©2024 por Kostyantin Malginov - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Caballo, horse, horses, art horse, art horses

Kostyantin Malginov


Arte textil en Lienzo | 57x32 in

4.723,35 US$
Carteles disponibles
Arte textil titulada "Cross Stitch Still…" por Kateart, Obra de arte original, Bordado Montado en Panel de madera
Cross Stitch Still Life Yellow Flowers Handmade Wall Picture - Arte textil, 20x16 in ©2021 por Kateart - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Flor, Picture in a frame, wall art, handmade, Yellow flowers, Cross stitch still life, original embroidered picture, embroidered flowers, still life embroidery, still life in a frame, yellow still life, flower still life, cross stitch handmade, original embroidery, finished embroidery, finished embroidered picture, embroidery still life


"Cross Stitch Still Life Yellow Flowers Handmade Wall Picture"

Arte textil en Lienzo | 20x16 in

750,42 US$
Arte textil titulada "Texas" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz Montado en Panel de madera
Texas - Arte textil, 57x32 in ©2021 por Kostyantin Malginov - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Caballo, textile, art, interior decor, tapesty, wall art, hand made, interior desing, textile art, art textile, finder art, wall decor, wall tapesty, hand weaving, art design, horse, decor horse, horse decor

Kostyantin Malginov


Arte textil en Lienzo | 57x32 in

3.937,24 US$
Carteles disponibles
Arte textil titulada "Alabama" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz
Alabama - Arte textil, 57x32 in ©2024 por Kostyantin Malginov - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Caballo, horse, horses, art horse, art horses

Kostyantin Malginov


Arte textil en Lienzo | 57x32 in

5.131,81 US$
Carteles disponibles
Arte textil titulada "Cat lady" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz
Cat lady - Arte textil, 57x33 in ©2024 por Kostyantin Malginov - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Retratos de mujeres, cat, cats, art cat, art cats, gold

Kostyantin Malginov

"Cat lady"

Arte textil en Lienzo | 57x33 in

5.162,61 US$
Carteles disponibles
Arte textil titulada "Tapestry 2" por Poonam Choudhary, Obra de arte original, Tapiz Montado en Panel de madera
Tapestry 2 - Arte textil, 24x39 in ©2022 por Poonam Choudhary - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Árbol, tapestry, wall tapestry, banana leaf art, leaves, tree and palnts, landscape art, impressionism art, landscape tree, abstract landscape art, geometric art, wall hanging art

Poonam Choudhary

"Tapestry 2"

Arte textil en Lienzo De Lino | 24x39 in

600 US$
400 US$
Carteles disponibles
Arte textil titulada "Landscape "Winter e…" por Nadezhda Kokorina, Obra de arte original, Tapiz
Landscape "Winter evening, Bullfinches have arrived" Panel - Arte textil, 26,4x32,3 in ©2016 por Nadezhda Kokorina - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Campo, panels for the interior, Winter Evening, wool panel, landscape Winter evening, Bullfinches have arrived, landscape wool panel, Bullfinches wool panel, Birds wool panel, landscape sunset, handmade felt, winter birds, mountain ash landscape, rowan painting, winter sunset painting, forest fairy tale, panels made of wool, woolen watercolor

Nadezhda Kokorina

"Landscape "Winter evening, Bullfinches have arrived" Panel"

Arte textil en Tela | 26,4x32,3 in

269,94 US$
Carteles disponibles
Arte textil titulada "A sense of reality" por Kostyantin Malginov, Obra de arte original, Tapiz Montado en Panel de madera
A sense of reality - Arte textil, 55x32 in ©2022 por Kostyantin Malginov - Impressionism, impressionism-603, art textile, decor, art decor, large size, sea, portrait, portrait of a woman, yellow, blue, painting in the living room, hand made, wall art, interior decor, wall decor, wall tapesty, art desing, fish, gold, red, gren

Kostyantin Malginov

"A sense of reality"

Arte textil en Lienzo | 55x32 in

4.314,9 US$
Carteles disponibles


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