St. Guilhem le désert 102 (2022) Digital Arts by José Sales Albella

Fine art paper, 11x8 in

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  1071 px  

1500 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 1071x1500
Use worldwide Yes
Use on multi-support Yes
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Max number of prints 0 (Zero)
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Art image bank
  • This work is an "Open Edition" Digital Arts, Giclée Print / Digital Print
  • Dimensions Several sizes available
  • Several supports available (Fine art paper, Metal Print, Canvas Print)
  • Framing Framing available (Floating Frame + Under Glass, Frame + Under Acrylic Glass)
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Categories Figurative Countryside
Ici je vous présente une version en tant qu’image de mes travaux de peinture et dessin. Empruntant l’esthétique de la sérigraphie et prenant la forme d’une impression numérique. Tous mes travaux originaux sont présentés dans L’Atelier 431 à St Guilhem le désert. Hérault, France. Pour parler de St Guilhem Le désert, ses légendes et son histoire,[...]
Ici je vous présente une version en tant qu’image de mes travaux de peinture et dessin. Empruntant l’esthétique de la sérigraphie et prenant la forme d’une impression numérique. Tous mes travaux originaux sont présentés dans L’Atelier 431 à St Guilhem le désert. Hérault, France.
Pour parler de St Guilhem Le désert, ses légendes et son histoire, le moyen est devenu un but : le problème est que la temporalité met en question le lent et suggestif procède pictural, ainsi la fragile lecture que de ces peintures est faite.

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PeinturePatrimoineAtelier 431

Automatically translated
Here I present to you a version as an image of my painting and drawing work. Borrowing the aesthetics of screen printing and taking the form of digital printing. All my original work is presented in L’Atelier[...]

Here I present to you a version as an image of my painting and drawing work. Borrowing the aesthetics of screen printing and taking the form of digital printing. All my original work is presented in L’Atelier 431 in St Guilhem le Desert. Hérault, France.

Born on April 16, 1964 in Cuevas de Vinrroma in Castellon, Spain, José Sales Albella was very early involved in the business of painting. Self-taught, he trained according to circumstances and the modernist-inspired research he carried out.
In 1992, he began working at the School of Fine Arts in Montpellier, putting his brushes aside to take an interest in photography, photomontage, drawing and writing.
In 2000 he published the book 'Des pas vers les chemins' with Domens , gestation and myth of Santiago de Compostela, illustrated story of 70 images, drawings and photomontages.
While continuing his writing work he decided to return to painting by creating series of autonomous images .
José Sales Albella links his painting to everyday life to try to understand it better. With his "Book Paintings" he immerses himself in the news of recent centuries, moving from the 'enlightening' Middle Ages; to Dante, to the Caravagists, curious to know what made men what they are today.
"There is a fragmentary writing in these images like a reevocation a representation in fact, who wants to provoke a third image of stylistic ruptures.
José Sales Albella never ceases to be surprised by life and its news. Very productive, he confronts the questions of painting, and verifies his intuitions by articulating answers that move from the intimate to the visible.

See more from José Sales Albella

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