Veronique Maly Profile Picture

Veronique Maly

St Barthelemy De Bellegarde, France
Artist (Painting)
Born 1957

Of also far I remember, I always painted, drew, crayonné and especially... always sought.

My painting is a permanent request, a thirst to learn insatiable.
I like over all to manage to translate on the fabric what my eye sees and what my brain imagines. I do not reach that point often unfortunately but I would like so much, so much, so much...

I was born in the Gironde in 1957 and am married. Residing today at the countryside in the Dordogne, I try to carry out a simple life in adequacy with nature.

There are about fifteen years I took courses of painting, prospect and history of art. I was an author of many biographies and comments of works for Montparnasse Multimédia (creators of CD of the Museum of the Louvre).

I then gained several national and international prices of painting of which under the aegis of Jean Nouvel (I am very proud besides). My fabrics were exposed to Sarlat, Arcachon, Bordeaux, some were the subject of articles of press in particular in the South-western Technikart review and newspaper.

I adore works of the Flemish, German painters and Dutch of 17th and 18th centuries. Here is a small summary related to my passion, I wish you a good visit and hold me fully at your disposal for the least information.

Do not hesitate especially to contact me, I would be made a joy of answering you

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