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Robo Spitters

spijkenisse, Netherlands
Artist (Painting)
Born 1964

Robo Spitters(Schiedam, 1964)

Depth. Smoothness. super tight. These are characteristics of the work of Robo Spitters. They are realistic depictions, inspired by 17th century painters. Spitters' work is imbued with the 17th century. He uses techniques and materials from that time and makes his own paint. Why? Because he is mesmerized by the magical light and the moving intention of the work.The whole tone and touch are 17th century. But most images are really of this time. Portraits, nudes, fantasy figures, still lifes but with a contemporary typical 'Spitters twist'. He certainly does not shy away from shocking or confrontational scenes.
His fascination with the 17th century started when Spitters, as a six-year-old boy, walked around the Boijmans Van Beuningen museum with his father. The works of surrealist Salvador Dali had an incredible impact on him. A seed was sown here. That seed started to germinate when he met his teacher and friend John Notenboom at a later age. Self-taught and meta-realist.
Spitters also calls himself self-taught. He learned a lot about techniques and ways of looking at the guest program of the classical art academy in Antwerp. In the eighties he walked around there for a year. In the early 1990s he regularly exhibited in and around Rotterdam. He now likes to pick it up again.
Spitters mainly makes free work but does not shy away from assignments

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