Silence (2014) Photography by Olga Volodina

Photography, 35.4x23.6 in
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Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 6 collections
This photo series use symbolism to represent: fragile human consciousness influenced by mass media, the hypocrisy of modern society, and an average human, who is forced by the system to spend a precious lifetime either on basic survival needs or excessive consumption. Black and white colors are used to emphasize the edge between good and evil,[...]
This photo series use symbolism to represent: fragile human consciousness influenced by mass media, the hypocrisy of modern society, and an average human, who is forced by the system to spend a precious lifetime either on basic survival needs or excessive consumption.
Black and white colors are used to emphasize the edge between good and evil, that humanity is balancing on. Bodies in bandages symbolize sick mankind, weakened by prejudices and fears and vulnerable to manipulations. Information is one of the most dangerous weapons now.
Like a cosmetic surgeon can change the physical appearance of a person, those who control mass media can change the perception of how reality appears to us and create the illusion of freedom and choice

All the artworks are printed in a professional printing studio using only high-quality materials. It is done under my direct supervision or by my trusted assistants. After being printed it's packed in a protective tube and can be sent to any country in the world.

10 Limited Edition Print on Hahnemühle FineArt Baryta + Certificate of Authenticity Signed and Numbered by the Artist.

Printed with 5cm white border

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Olga Volodina, a Russian-born photographer. She was a fashion art photographer in Moscow and she first began working professionally. Olga is the brains behind a slew of photo projects spanning the social and[...]

Olga Volodina, a Russian-born photographer. She was a fashion art photographer in Moscow and she first began working professionally. Olga is the brains behind a slew of photo projects spanning the social and artistic spectrums. 

Personal and heartfelt, her photography projects aim to connect with the viewer on an emotional level. Her photography is an exploration of how the camera translates her thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. Olga's main source of inspiration is always being a human being. Through the use of strong compositions and thoughtful lighting, she is able to bring to life her controversial inner world.

Olga Volodina was Born in Uzbekistan. She was a model and a journalist in Moscow at the same time while studying journalism. She moved to Thailand, where she lived for almost ten years, and started working on her photo art projects. She now works and lives in Bulgaria. Her work has appeared on television, in magazines (Elle decoration, Practical Photography Magazine Uk), and in art galleries around the world.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

See more from Olga Volodina

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Photography | 35.4x23.6 in
Photography | 35.4x23.6 in
Photography | 23.6x35.4 in
Photography | 23.6x35.4 in


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