Recent Articles

Art History
Saving the planet: the strategies of contemporary art
Feb 27, 2022
5 minutes read
Ecological art, born in the nineties of the twentieth century, represents an artistic genre moved by the purpose of denouncing the global environmental crisis, through a strong exhortation to the protection, preservation and restoration of life forms and resources of the earth. This tendency pervades with force the contemporary art, which has provided the above mentioned genre with new and original points of view...
Art History
Cleopatra narrates the history of art
Dec 7, 2022
9 minutes read
Cleopatra (69-30 B.C.E.), Egyptian queen and the last monarch of the Ptolemaic kingdom, is better known for her charms than for her governmental talents, so much so that it was because of her charm, bestowed by her intelligence, personality, and culture, rather than her beauty, that she ascended the throne for the second time...
Art History
The history of the female nude in paintings
Dec 4, 2022
28 minutes read
The history of female nudity in art is never the same, as different societies and cultures have accepted nude scenes to varying degrees over the centuries and millennia. Indeed, nudity in art reflects the social norms of a given time and place, referring to the ways in which things are represented, indelibly linked to the conception of what is right or wrong to depict...
Art History
Fishermen at Sea by J. M. W. Turner
Apr 3, 2023
5 minutes read
"Fishermen at Sea" is a painting created by J. M. W. Turner in 1796. The painting is notable for its dramatic and atmospheric use of light and color, which creates a sense of tension and danger. "Fishermen at Sea" is considered to be one of Turner's early masterpieces, and it demonstrates his skill at capturing the power and majesty of nature. 
Art History
The history of Polish art: traditions halfway between Europe and Russia
May 8, 2022
6 minutes read
Polish art, while maintaining its own peculiarities of genre and style, has often reflected the figurative trends expressed by the movements of neighboring countries and continents, such as Russia and Europe. This is due to the fact that, at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Poland did not yet exist as a state, since it was divided between Austria, Russia and Prussia, countries from which it drew obvious artistic contaminations...
Art History
J. M. W. Turner
Mar 30, 2023
13 minutes read
J. M. W. Turner (1775-1851) was an English Romantic landscape painter. Turner's work is characterized by bold colors, loose brushwork, and innovative compositions. He was particularly interested in capturing light and atmospheric effects in his paintings and is renowned for his ability to convey the beauty and power of nature. 
Sell Art
Hong Kong: the new art market
Apr 20, 2022
5 minutes read
The Covid-19 pandemic has damaged, and transformed forever, the Western art market, leading to the cancellation of important fairs and events, as well as the inevitable closure of some galleries. In this context, however, the Asian world has shown all its strength and resilience, imposing itself in the global market...


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