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Art History
Art that celebrates beach life
Jun 8, 2022
7 minutes read
It is surely impossible to list and describe all the many works, including painting, photography, and performance, that have immortalized beach life and, consequently, also the changes in the sea motions and customs of bathers over time. Nonetheless, John Constable's Brighton Beach (1824) and Edvard Munch's Man at the Bath (1916) are certainly noteworthy, though oftentimes little known...
Art History
Anthropomorphism in art
Sep 4, 2022
7 minutes read
Anthropomorphism in art, as anticipated, has a rich and ancient tradition, in fact, among the earliest examples of anthropomorphic figures we find the Löwenmensch ivory statuette, which, dating back to the Upper Paleolithic, that is, approximately 32,000 years ago, depicts a human sculpture having the head of a lion...
Artist Portraits
Jean Turco, the art of sharing pleasure
Sep 7, 2022
8 minutes read
Jean Turco's idea has always been to share the pleasure he felt in seeing one or other of the things that present themselves to our gaze, either as they really are when the light puts them in value, either in the way I see them, to take them out of context to make images that illustrate an idea, a smile or a message to a muse, a friend, a collector or a simple stranger...


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