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The top 5 European Cities for Art Lovers
May 14, 2022
4 minutes read
There are many of intriguing places to visit in Europe, but where should you go if you're especially interested in art? Whether you go to Paris, London, Rome, or Barcelona, indeed, there are so many places in Europe with world-class art that narrowing the selection down to just 5 towns was difficult. They need not just great museums, but also enough open-air attractions to keep you entertained for weeks, if not months.
Art History
History of Czech Art
Nov 25, 2023
7 minutes read
 By Czech art history, we mean the entire complex of visual arts that were conceived and subsequently took shape and life in both the Czech Republic itself and in the various states that were part of it in previous centuries, serving as a home to memorable artists who, in the most famous examples, will be explored later.
Art History
Under the Eiffel Tower: French Art Movements Explored through Artmajeur
Jun 25, 2024
15 minutes read
France has been the cradle of numerous revolutionary art movements. From the Gothic of the 12th century to the Rococo of the 18th century, these movements have transformed art and architecture. In the 19th century, the Barbizon School and Realism introduced a more realistic representation of nature and daily life. The focus of this article will be on Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, and Free Figuration, analyzing works present on Artmajeur...
Art History
The history of Spanish art
Aug 7, 2022
7 minutes read
Over the centuries Spain has given birth to some of the world's greatest architects, painters, sculptors and photographers. This richness is due, both to the autonomous Spanish creative flair and to the influence exerted on the Iberian Peninsula by the most important European figurative currents...
Art History
Music and art: a combination that has lasted for centuries
Jun 21, 2022
7 minutes read
Music and art represent two related disciplines that are able to reveal human feelings and experience, both in its positive and joyful sides and in its more introspective and serious ones. Precisely because of these peculiarities, the said arts have played a prominent role since ancient times, when, from their union, two distinct combinations were generated: art that tells music and art that supports music...
Art History
The Religious Art of Christmas: Between Tradition and Modernity
Feb 23, 2024
16 minutes read
Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, is at the heart of Christianity, symbolizing divine incarnation and carrying a message of hope and redemption. From the earliest centuries, the nativity inspired religious art, evolving through the ages to deeply express the spiritual significance of this event, with artists like Giotto and Caravaggio enriching the scene with their emotional realism.


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