Recent Articles

Art History
Digital art: history, current affairs and critical viewpoint
Sep 18, 2022
7 minutes read
"Art is any form of activity of man as a reproof or exaltation of his inventive talent and expressive capacity." The aforementioned peculiarities also undoubtedly belong to the flair of digital art, despite the fact that, all too often, it has been criticized because, compared to more traditional artistic expressions, it uses technological tools, which, according to the most skeptical, facilitate the realization of artifacts...
Art History
The history of Polish art: traditions halfway between Europe and Russia
May 8, 2022
6 minutes read
Polish art, while maintaining its own peculiarities of genre and style, has often reflected the figurative trends expressed by the movements of neighboring countries and continents, such as Russia and Europe. This is due to the fact that, at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Poland did not yet exist as a state, since it was divided between Austria, Russia and Prussia, countries from which it drew obvious artistic contaminations...
Art History
Different forms of classicism
Jul 13, 2022
7 minutes read
Contemporary classicism is an artistic trend of our times, aimed at reinterpreting, in a novel and original way, the quest for perfection and verisimilitude, as well as the exaltation of the human figure and the investigation of the natural datum, which distinguished ancient art and its "revivals"...
Art History
Saving the planet: the strategies of contemporary art
Feb 27, 2022
5 minutes read
Ecological art, born in the nineties of the twentieth century, represents an artistic genre moved by the purpose of denouncing the global environmental crisis, through a strong exhortation to the protection, preservation and restoration of life forms and resources of the earth. This tendency pervades with force the contemporary art, which has provided the above mentioned genre with new and original points of view...
Art History
Top 10: emerging artists
Mar 19, 2023
13 minutes read
An emerging artist is usually defined as one who is in the early stages of his or her career, that is, still in the throes of refining his or her style, while beginning to gain some critical recognition, at the same time trying to develop a well-known commercial representation...
Art History
Cars & art
Apr 24, 2022
7 minutes read
The link between artists and the automobile is evident in the greatest masterpieces of art of all time, namely in sculptures, paintings, photographs and prints, which have immortalized this iconic means of locomotion, following multiple points of view and figurative techniques...
Art History
Vanity: a pictorial genre
Jul 24, 2022
6 minutes read
Vanity refers to a specific type of still life, which, through the inclusion of characteristic symbolic objects, such as, for example, skulls, hourglasses, and luxury goods, aims to remind the viewer, both of the inexorable passing of time, and the future advent of death, and, consequently, also of the futility of ephemeral earthly goods and pleasures...
Art History
Superheroes in contemporary art
Jul 27, 2022
7 minutes read
According to the most general definitions, a superhero is a costumed character, and one with a secret identity, belonging to the world of comic books, fiction, cartoons or movies, who, strong, courageous and extremely noble of spirit, unreservedly strives to protect humanity against evil, which he opposes thanks to his extraordinary abilities, namely superpowers...
Art History
Route 66: the legend told by art
May 15, 2022
7 minutes read
Artworks by Artmajeur's artists, created through multiple viewpoints and techniques, such as oil on canvas, digital photomontage and photography, take us on a tour of some of Route 66's most iconic places, such as the Cadillac Ranch installation in Amarillo (Texas), the Palo duro canyon (Texas), the town of Seligman (Arizona), the Wigwam Motel (Arizona), the Mojave desert (California) and the Santa Monica pier (California)...
Art History
Top 10 Must-See Artists of the Month!
Jul 30, 2024
7 minutes read
The Artmajeur curators, despite the summer heat, continue to work with great zeal for their most important cause: spreading art around the world! By reviewing sales results and clicks on the website, they have created three extraordinary collections that bring together the works of the most popular, trendy, best-selling and most sought-after artists of the moment....
Art History
What is kinetic art?
May 11, 2022
7 minutes read
Kinetic Art, or Programmed Art, was born after World War II in concomitance with the decline of geometric abstraction. It is an artistic current whose purpose is to illustrate the study of the mechanisms of vision, aspiring to a rendering in pictorial and plastic terms of dynamism, optical phenomena and light...
Art History
Tuscan artists: from Andrea del Sarto to the contemporary.
Nov 30, 2022
10 minutes read
Imagine that you are walking in the Florence (Tuscany) of the 1500s, having the opportunity to look closely at the recent and laborious building of the Duomo, the adjacent and older baptistery, as well as the other iconic buildings, also located in the present historic center. Now that you are in the cradle of the Renaissance you can think, that, in the aforementioned places, almost unchanged in the modern age, the greatest artists in the history of art lived and worked...


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