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Art History
Family portraits
Dec 21, 2021
6 minutes read
At this time of year-end, full of important holidays, family gatherings follow each other convulsively. In this regard, many of the greatest masters in the history of art, such as, for example, Rembrandt van Rijn, Francisco Goya, Edgar Degas, Vincent van Gogh and Egon Schiele, have immortalized, through the most varied feelings, such scenes of daily life...
Art History
Women of art
Jun 1, 2022
7 minutes read
Unfortunately, our art historical past has often eclipsed, omitted and concealed the importance, and weight, exerted by the "fairer sex" within it. In this context, it seems necessary to bring to light, and thus to memory, the work of women in the art world, with the purpose of making it finally, or further, visible and recognized...
Art History
The bust: comparing stories
Oct 16, 2022
8 minutes read
Although the bust originated in Hellenistic Greece and reached its peak popularity in the ancient Roman world, it has undergone interpretative variations throughout the centuries, re-presenting itself even in contemporary times, a time when, thanks to the latest technology, it has also taken shape in a 3-D version...
Art History
Cleopatra narrates the history of art
Dec 7, 2022
9 minutes read
Cleopatra (69-30 B.C.E.), Egyptian queen and the last monarch of the Ptolemaic kingdom, is better known for her charms than for her governmental talents, so much so that it was because of her charm, bestowed by her intelligence, personality, and culture, rather than her beauty, that she ascended the throne for the second time...
Art History
Vanity: a pictorial genre
Jul 24, 2022
6 minutes read
Vanity refers to a specific type of still life, which, through the inclusion of characteristic symbolic objects, such as, for example, skulls, hourglasses, and luxury goods, aims to remind the viewer, both of the inexorable passing of time, and the future advent of death, and, consequently, also of the futility of ephemeral earthly goods and pleasures...
Art History
The different histories of Expressionism
Aug 3, 2022
7 minutes read
«Never was there an era more ravaged by despair, horror, death. Never has more sepulchral silence reigned over the world. Never has man been smaller. Never has he been more restless. Never has joy been more absent, and freedom more dead. And here is howling despair: man cries out for his soul, a single cry of anguish rises from our time. Art, too, screams in the darkness, calls for rescue, invokes the spirit: it is Expressionism».
Art History
Love: from figurative to abstraction
Feb 12, 2023
10 minutes read
When we come to the month of February, especially in the vicinity of the fourteenth, the many types of people in existence, whom we can imagine meeting at the bar, can be roughly summed up in four different human categories, such as: the perfect sweethearts, the love haters, the lonely hearts, the weeping widowers and those "strange" characters...
Art History
Art that celebrates love as you've never seen it!
Feb 12, 2022
5 minutes read
The most famous tradition of love in art, which has immortalized forever kisses, embraces, tenderness and passion between lovers, appears immediately well defined in our mind thanks to the most famous masterpieces of the genre, such as, for example, Cupid and Psyche by Antonio Canova and the Kiss by Gustave Klimt, but are we sure that in the history of art have not been highlighted other types of love?
Art History
Superheroes in contemporary art
Jul 27, 2022
7 minutes read
According to the most general definitions, a superhero is a costumed character, and one with a secret identity, belonging to the world of comic books, fiction, cartoons or movies, who, strong, courageous and extremely noble of spirit, unreservedly strives to protect humanity against evil, which he opposes thanks to his extraordinary abilities, namely superpowers...
Art History
Monet against all!
Feb 1, 2023
9 minutes read
When people talk to us about Impressionism, generally, we are reminded of the image of the "typical" bearded and somewhat "clochard" French painter, who, intent on painting with his hands smeared with color, sheltering under a parasol or a hat, is ready to capture the changing seasons, lights, shadows and colors, times to manifest themselves on the same subject or multiple...
Art History
Cubism: from its origins to contemporary art
Jul 6, 2022
7 minutes read
«The fact that for a long time Cubism has not been understood and that even today there are people who cannot see anything in it means nothing. I do not read English, an English book is a blank book to me. This does not mean that the English language does not exist. Why should I blame anyone but myself if I cannot understand what I know nothing about?»...
Art History
Viva Magenta: the color of 2023
Jan 1, 2023
9 minutes read
it is important to refer to the statements made by Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, who justifies the choice of Viva Magenta 18-1750, as the color of 2023, because, this hue, rooted in nature, since it is descended from the red family, turns out to be extremely vigorous, vital, expressive, courageous, exuberant, joyful, optimistic and rebellious, that is, capable of encouraging experimentation, inclusion and unrestrained self-expression...
Art History
The history of the female nude in paintings
Dec 4, 2022
28 minutes read
The history of female nudity in art is never the same, as different societies and cultures have accepted nude scenes to varying degrees over the centuries and millennia. Indeed, nudity in art reflects the social norms of a given time and place, referring to the ways in which things are represented, indelibly linked to the conception of what is right or wrong to depict...
Art History
Food in art
Dec 2, 2021
6 minutes read
Christmas is getting closer and closer, and with it, also the big binges! In the figurative arts, the association between food and art has lasted for centuries, so much so that the most famous artists of all time, including Raphael, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Giorgio Morandi and Renato Guttuso, have not spared themselves from facing this topical...


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