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Art History
Harlequin: the contemporary iconography of a mask
Mar 1, 2022
6 minutes read
In 1888-90 Paul Cézanne painted the Harlequin, in 1901 Pablo Picasso made the Thoughtful Harlequin and in 1919 Juan Gris immortalized the Harlequin with guitar. These are only some of the most famous interpretations of a topic, which has been widely exploited by artistic investigation between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. But how have contemporary artists depicted this mask?
Art History
Art: shock news about dripping!
Mar 1, 2023
9 minutes read
Placing this story within the history of the dripping technique, I begin, for the moment in an understandable way, by talking about Janel Sobel instead of Jackson Pollock, in order to illustrate the life and artistic journey of a painter, who, still under-appreciated, actually drastically changed the fortunes of the art world, as well as the abstract approach of the aforementioned and well-known American master...


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