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Art History
Skyscrapers seen in art
May 25, 2022
7 minutes read
Skyscrapers have totally disrupted, with their height and grandeur, the contours and skies of our cities, offering us, from the heights of their structures, new and peculiar perspectives on the world. It was precisely these peculiarities that inspired and fascinated the artists of the twentieth century...
Art History
David Bailey
Jul 4, 2023
10 minutes read
David Bailey is a renowned British fashion and portrait photographer, best known for his iconic work in the 1960s and 1970s, capturing the essence of the Swinging London era and photographing numerous celebrities and models. He became one of the most influential photographers of his time, leaving a lasting impact on the fashion and photography industries.
Art History
Mario Testino
Jun 28, 2023
10 minutes read
Mario Testino is a highly acclaimed fashion and portrait photographer known for his iconic images capturing the essence of beauty, glamour, and allure. With his distinctive style and creative vision, he has worked with renowned celebrities, fashion brands, and publications, leaving an indelible mark on the world of photography.
Art History
J. M. W. Turner
Mar 30, 2023
13 minutes read
J. M. W. Turner (1775-1851) was an English Romantic landscape painter. Turner's work is characterized by bold colors, loose brushwork, and innovative compositions. He was particularly interested in capturing light and atmospheric effects in his paintings and is renowned for his ability to convey the beauty and power of nature. 
Artist Portraits
Albrecht Dürer
Apr 6, 2023
14 minutes read
Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) was a German Renaissance artist who marked the history of European art. He was an engraver, painter and art theorist, and his works influenced many artists. He is famous for his wood and copper engravings, as well as his paintings and drawings.
Art History
The color blue: a successful classic
Apr 6, 2022
6 minutes read
The color blue, in its different and most popular shades, such as Egyptian blue, ultramarine blue, cobalt blue, cerulean blue, Prussian blue and International Klein Blue, has been the protagonist of different eras, in which timeless masterpieces have been generated, extending from the Egyptian world to contemporary art...
Art History
MOMA Masterpieces: Contemporary Interpretations
Feb 23, 2022
7 minutes read
The iconic institution of New York's MOMA is home to such timeless works of art as Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night, Andy Warhol's Campbell's Soup Cans and Jasper Johns' Flag. Such masterpieces continue to be a source of inspiration for contemporary artists around the world, who have re-interpreted them into original, modern, current and sometimes ironic pieces of art...


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