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Artist Portraits
ESTELLE CONTAMIN: Childhood, what one catches from it and what escapes from it
Oct 11, 2019
0 minutes read
Childhood, that, precise and invasive of the children present, but also that, lived and fleeting, of each adult, which is then more of an assemblage of memories, sensations, colors ... Estelle Contamin juggles with all these elements to give a vision of a world that is both familiar and distant, where the child is both the subject and the vector allowing access to something that escapes everyday life.
Art History
Children in art
Jul 17, 2022
7 minutes read
Since the dawn of civilisation, children have represented an extremely popular artistic subject, capable of expressing joy, love and candour, within figurative narratives aimed at illustrating not only the attitudes and psychological characteristics of the little protagonists, but also the customs and traditions of their families, as well as the different approaches to the world of childhood that have characterised the different eras...
Art History
Celebrating Growth: Exploring Shichi-Go-San Through Art
May 28, 2024
6 minutes read
Shichi-Go-San, a Japanese tradition dating back to the Heian period, celebrates the growth of young children, marked by rituals for three-, five-, and seven-year-olds. Through symbolic ceremonies and attire, it honors cultural heritage and familial unity, inspiring contemporary art that explores themes of tradition, growth, and cultural identity, bridging the past with modern interpretations of this cherished rite of passage.


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