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Art History
The iconic artists of German art
Apr 27, 2022
6 minutes read
The history of German art perfectly exemplifies the ability, and perseverance, of a people who have always wanted to distinguish themselves from the figurative work of neighboring nations. This desire stems from a strong sense of identity and a quest for uniqueness, which, all German, has promoted its artistic heritage as a source of intimate and personal pride...
Art History
The bicycle in art
Jan 19, 2022
6 minutes read
The history of art is full of paintings, sculptures and installations, which have had as their protagonist the timeless bicycle. The lesson of the great masters continues to inspire contemporary art, full of works that have dealt with this topical subject in an ever different and original way...
Art History
Artists' love of brown
Oct 9, 2022
7 minutes read
The presence of brown within the history of art boasts a very ancient tradition; in fact, umber, a natural clay pigment composed of iron oxide and manganese oxide, with which the aforementioned color was obtained, was used, both in prehistoric times, that is, in paintings dated 40,000 B.C., and in Upper Paleolithic art, well exemplified by the walls of the Lascaux cave, dating back some 17,300 years...
Art History
Art: two points of view on the Vietnam War
Feb 15, 2023
9 minutes read
Jumping rich centuries of history and tradition, we come at once to externalize the viewpoint of one of the most celebrated artists of the Vietnamese twentieth century, namely Nguyen Phan Chanh, a pioneer of silk painting within his nation's artistic investigation, who, despite his training at the Ecole des Beaux-arts d'Indochine an institution founded at the time in French Indochina...
Art History
All crazy for Christmas: Warhol, Dalì and Picasso
Dec 23, 2022
9 minutes read
When one thinks of Christmas, especially within the narrative of art history, it is impossible to disassociate oneself from the image of the most classic iconography related to the nativity, which, embodied by the representation of the holy family inside a makeshift shelter, has been skillfully rendered by celebrated masterpieces of Western figurativism, traceable to the example drawn from figurative investigation by masters such as Giotto, Ghirlandaio and Giorgione...
Art History
Gold in artworks
Dec 10, 2021
7 minutes read
Gold is the protagonist of many masterpieces in the history of art, such as Byzantine mosaics, paintings by Duccio di Buoninsegna, Cimabue, Giotto, Simone Martini, Gentile da Fabriano and Gustave Klimt. The ancient technique of the Gold Background, with which all these works were made, was excellently described in the treatise of about 1440 by Cenninino Cennini, entitled "Libro dell'arte"...
Art History
Dogs in art: multiple points of view
Apr 10, 2022
7 minutes read
It is now well known that, among the major phenomena that developed during the Covid-19 pandemic, there was also that of the "pandemic puppy". If you've gotten one, it's a safe bet that your life has now been enriched with a huge amount of cuddles and affection! But now that you've become a dog lover, are you sure you know everything about their great role within the history of art?
Art History
Monkeys in art
Jul 31, 2022
7 minutes read
It is widely found that monkeys have been, since the earliest times, very popular subjects in the history of art, a discipline within which they have taken on multiple meanings. This great figurative interest nurtured by man in the most varied types of primates alludes, most likely, to the fact that since the dawn of civilization the great contiguous familiarity between these animals and Homo sapiens had been sensed...
Art History
A mouth for 9 artists
Apr 26, 2023
8 minutes read
Throughout the long and controversial narrative of art history there was a time, to be located roughly from the beginning of the events of human existence until the arrival of the Avant-gardes, when lips were mainly immortalized within the faces of the effigies...
Art History
Art that celebrates love as you've never seen it!
Feb 12, 2022
5 minutes read
The most famous tradition of love in art, which has immortalized forever kisses, embraces, tenderness and passion between lovers, appears immediately well defined in our mind thanks to the most famous masterpieces of the genre, such as, for example, Cupid and Psyche by Antonio Canova and the Kiss by Gustave Klimt, but are we sure that in the history of art have not been highlighted other types of love?
Art News
Yves Saint Laurent exhibits his creations inspired by works of art in six Parisian museums
Feb 1, 2022
6 minutes read
Yves Saint Laurent drew influence from a wide range of painters throughout history, from Picasso and Matisse to Lichtenstein and Warhol, and the art world has always adored him for it. The first retrospective of a live haute couture designer, shown at the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1983, set the way for innumerable subsequent fashion-related shows at art museums throughout the world in the decades thereafter.
Art History
Tuscan artists: from Andrea del Sarto to the contemporary.
Nov 30, 2022
10 minutes read
Imagine that you are walking in the Florence (Tuscany) of the 1500s, having the opportunity to look closely at the recent and laborious building of the Duomo, the adjacent and older baptistery, as well as the other iconic buildings, also located in the present historic center. Now that you are in the cradle of the Renaissance you can think, that, in the aforementioned places, almost unchanged in the modern age, the greatest artists in the history of art lived and worked...
Art News
New Insights Unveiled in London Exhibit on Caravaggio’s Final Masterwork
Apr 5, 2024
2 minutes read
London's National Gallery will showcase "The Martyrdom of Saint Ursula," Caravaggio's last known work, revealing new insights into the artist's final years and the painting's tumultuous history. This free exhibition, part of the gallery's bicentenary celebrations, highlights the painting's complex journey and its recent reattribution to Caravaggio following the discovery of a pivotal 1610 letter.
Art History
Art: shock news about dripping!
Mar 1, 2023
9 minutes read
Placing this story within the history of the dripping technique, I begin, for the moment in an understandable way, by talking about Janel Sobel instead of Jackson Pollock, in order to illustrate the life and artistic journey of a painter, who, still under-appreciated, actually drastically changed the fortunes of the art world, as well as the abstract approach of the aforementioned and well-known American master...


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