Bird sculptures for sale

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Sculpture titled "Flight at sunrise 1…" by Karen Axikyan, Original Artwork, Metals
Flight at sunrise 13x13x11cm 1.6kg Iron,Copper,Tufa - Sculpture, 5.1x5.1 in ©2022 by Karen Axikyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Bird, bird sculpture, wire sculpture, iron sculpture, creative sculpture, original sculpture

Karen Axikyan

"Flight at sunrise 13x13x11cm 1.6kg Iron,Copper,Tufa"

Sculpture - Metals | 5.1x5.1 in

On Request
Sculpture titled "Twist, Gradient Ord…" by Jake Michael Singer, Original Artwork, Stainless Steel
Twist, Gradient Ordinal Murmuration - Sculpture, 39.4x32.3 in ©2024 by Jake Michael Singer - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Bird

Jake Michael Singer

"Twist, Gradient Ordinal Murmuration"

Sculpture - Stainless Steel | 39.4x32.3 in

Sculpture titled "Family (24x20x10 2.…" by Karen Axikyan, Original Artwork, Metals
Family (24x20x10 2.2kg iron, stone) - Sculpture, 9.5x7.9 in ©2020 by Karen Axikyan - Abstract, abstract-570, Bird, iron, sculpture, iron sculpture, animal sculpture, ostrich sculpture, bird sculpture, creative sculpture, original sculpture, abstract sculpture, original work, figurative sculpture, meaning sculpture

Karen Axikyan

"Family (24x20x10 2.2kg iron, stone)"

Sculpture - Metals | 9.5x7.9 in

Sculpture titled "Piaf qui couve dans…" by Guillaume Bodin (Gui²), Original Artwork, Terra cotta
Piaf qui couve dans son nid - Sculpture, 5.1x4.7 in ©2021 by Guillaume Bodin (Gui²) - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Bird, oiseau, nid, oeuf, émaille, jus d'ocre, terre cuite, grès

Guillaume Bodin (Gui²)

"Piaf qui couve dans son nid"

Sculpture - Terra cotta | 5.1x4.7 in

Sculpture titled "Vive Kurak" by Alex Johanson, Original Artwork, Clay
Vive Kurak - Sculpture, 21.7x8.3 in ©2023 by Alex Johanson - Figurative, figurative-594, Bird, kogut, rzeźba ceramiczna, ceramika artystyczna, rzeźbiarze polscy, alex johanson, zbyszek bury, andrychów, roczyny, polski artysta

Alex Johanson

"Vive Kurak"

Sculpture - Clay | 21.7x8.3 in

Sculpture titled "Le Piaf" by Pascal Kowalewski (PK29), Original Artwork, Acrylic
Le Piaf - Sculpture ©2020 by Pascal Kowalewski (PK29) - Street Art, street-art-624, Bird, Oiseau, Piaf

Pascal Kowalewski (PK29)

"Le Piaf"

Sculpture - Acrylic

Sculpture titled "Lovebirds" by Milko Dobrev, Original Artwork, Bronze
Lovebirds - Sculpture, 10.6x3.5 in ©2022 by Milko Dobrev - Abstract, abstract-570, Bird

Milko Dobrev


Sculpture - Bronze | 10.6x3.5 in

Sculpture titled "Phoenix" by Milko Dobrev, Original Artwork, Bronze
Phoenix - Sculpture, 12.6x3.2 in ©2022 by Milko Dobrev - Abstract, abstract-570, Bird

Milko Dobrev


Sculpture - Bronze | 12.6x3.2 in

Sculpture titled "Bird" by Milko Dobrev, Original Artwork, Bronze
Bird - Sculpture, 16.5x3.5 in ©2022 by Milko Dobrev - Abstract, abstract-570, Bird, bird, animal, bronz, modern art

Milko Dobrev


Sculpture - Bronze | 16.5x3.5 in

Sculpture titled "Rilke, Murmuration" by Jake Michael Singer, Original Artwork, Stainless Steel
Rilke, Murmuration - Sculpture, 71.7x56.7 in ©2024 by Jake Michael Singer - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Bird

Jake Michael Singer

"Rilke, Murmuration"

Sculpture - Stainless Steel | 71.7x56.7 in

Sculpture titled "Buscando el Eco (in…" by Kleinmanzano, Original Artwork, Metals
Buscando el Eco (installation) - Sculpture, 14.6x19.7 in ©2020 by Kleinmanzano - Figurative, figurative-594, Bird, Three penguins, Metal art, Animal sculpture, Climate change, Antarctica, Constructivist, Blue steel, Glaciers, Penguins, Hand forged, Cosé Manzano, Standing sculpture, Small sculpture, installation, metal sculpture, Winter, Seascape


"Buscando el Eco (installation)"

Sculpture - Metals | 14.6x19.7 in

Sculpture titled "L'échassier" by Sandrine Plumard, Original Artwork, Metals
L'échassier - Sculpture, 11x11 in ©2020 by Sandrine Plumard - Figurative, figurative-594, Bird, oiseau, échassier, nature, sculpture oiseau, oiseau fer, acier oiseau, héron

Sandrine Plumard


Sculpture - Metals | 11x11 in

Not For Sale
Sculpture titled "Flight direction (2…" by Karen Axikyan, Original Artwork, Metals
Flight direction (28x58x35 2.8kg iron, tufa) - Sculpture, 11x22.8 in ©2021 by Karen Axikyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Bird, iron, sculpture, iron sculpture, birds sculpture, birds figurine, animals, animal sculpture, animal figurine, original sculpture, sculpture for interior, sculpture for home, original work, handmade sculpture, creative sculpture, contemporary art, modern sculpture, Armenian artist, figurine sculpture

Karen Axikyan

"Flight direction (28x58x35 2.8kg iron, tufa)"

Sculpture - Metals | 11x22.8 in

On Request
Sculpture titled "The Soaring of Spir…" by Karen Axikyan, Original Artwork, Metals
The Soaring of Spirit - Sculpture, 15.4x7.1 in ©2024 by Karen Axikyan - Figurative, figurative-594, Bird, bird sculpture, flowers sculpture, contemporary sculpture, colibri bird, wire sculpture, Tufa Sculpture, Iron Artwork, Contemporary Art, beautiful sculpture, creative sculpture, handmade sculpture, original sculpture, sculpture for hallway, original work, sculpture for home decor, sculpture for office, Tufa stone, Metalwork, Modern Sculpture, Armenian art

Karen Axikyan

"The Soaring of Spirit"

Sculpture - Metals | 15.4x7.1 in

On Request
Sculpture titled "PIAF POP ART S" by Valérie Marty, Original Artwork, Resin
PIAF POP ART S - Sculpture, 7.1x4.7 in ©2020 by Valérie Marty - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Bird

Valérie Marty


Sculpture - Resin | 7.1x4.7 in

Sculpture titled "Le masque aux oisea…" by Étienne Dupé, Original Artwork, Metals
Le masque aux oiseaux - Sculpture, 26x22.4 in ©2019 by Étienne Dupé - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Other, Wood, Plastic, Bird, technique mixte, sculpture, metal, plastique, art singulier, art brut, outsider, bois

Étienne Dupé

"Le masque aux oiseaux"

Sculpture - Metals | 26x22.4 in

On Request


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