Conceptual photographs for sale

10,846 Original Photographies For Sale: Looking for Original[...]

10,846 Original Photographies For Sale:

Looking for Original photographs for sale?

Explore all styles and techniques of artistic photography: contemporary photographs, street-art, abstract art, figurative art, landscape photographs, light painting, film photography, digital photography, black and white photography ... Artmajeur is aimed at all artistic sensibilities and celebrates beauty by your side for 20 years with more than 2 million contemporary works of art to discover ... or acquire! The world reference for contemporary artistic photographs. Discover works by contemporary artists from around the world to decorate your interior with class! Simple art lover or confirmed collector? Find the favorite photograph or snapshot that will truly enhance your decoration. Artmajeur offers you original works, limited editions and art prints by the best contemporary photographic artists in the world. On Artmajeur, artistic photographs are selected by enthusiasts and experts in the art market. We select for you the original works of trendy, award-winning and recognized photographers as well as new rising values in the field of contemporary art to guide you and help you in your process of buying Art photographs online.

Discover contemporary Conceptual Art Photographs on Artmajeur

Contemporary Conceptual Art Photographs are a form of original artwork that challenges traditional notions of photography. These photographs are created not just to capture an image, but to convey a concept or idea. They are often printed on non-traditional materials such as metal, acrylic, or canvas, and may be presented in a variety of formats including large-scale installations, series of images, or mixed-media works. What makes these photographs unique is their ability to engage the viewer intellectually and emotionally, inviting them to question their own perceptions and assumptions. They offer a fresh perspective on the world and encourage us to see things in a new light. What are the key themes and motifs that artists explore in this genre? How do these works challenge our understanding of photography and art? These are just some of the questions that arise when encountering Contemporary Conceptual Art Photographs.

Photography,  35.4x23.6 in
6220 fesses de vitrine Photography, 35.4x23.6 in
©2021 Oliv Berth

Origins and History

Conceptual Art Photography, traditional photography, and representation are three important terms in the history of contemporary art.

Photography,  19.7x19.7 in
La tâche 2/3 Photography, 19.7x19.7 in
©2021 Bettina Dupont

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Contemporary Conceptual Art Photographs have undergone a remarkable evolution in recent years, with artists pushing the boundaries of the medium in new and exciting ways. These photographs often incorporate elements of performance, installation, and sculpture, blurring the lines between different art forms. They also frequently explore important social and political issues, such as race, gender, and identity. These works have become increasingly important in the contemporary art market, with collectors and galleries alike recognizing their innovative and thought-provoking nature. As a result, prices for these photographs have risen steadily, and they are now considered some of the most valuable and sought-after works in the art world today.

Photography,  20x20 in
Self Portrait III Photography, 20x20 in
©2021 Shaun Johnson

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary art is full of artists who are known for their unique approach to Conceptual Art Photographs. Amongst them is Cindy Sherman, who is famous for her self-portraits that explore themes of identity and gender. Her work has been exhibited in galleries worldwide and her influence is visible in the works of other artists.

Another notable artist is Jeff Wall, whose large-scale photographs capture everyday moments with a cinematic sensibility. His use of lighting and staging creates a tension between reality and artifice, inviting the viewer to question their own perception of the world.

Sally Mann is known for her intimate portraits of her family and the landscapes of the American South. Her photographs explore themes of memory, mortality, and the passage of time, and often blur the line between documentary and fine art photography.

Wolfgang Tillmans is a contemporary artist who has gained recognition for his experimental approach to photography. His work often explores themes of sexuality, identity, and politics, and he has been known to use unconventional materials and techniques to create his images.

Finally, there is Ai Weiwei, a Chinese artist and activist who uses his photography to document social and political issues. His work often highlights human rights abuses and the struggles of marginalized communities, and he has been an outspoken critic of the Chinese government.

These Contemporary Artists are just a few examples of the many talented individuals working in the field of Conceptual Art Photographs today. Their work challenges our perceptions of reality and invites us to see the world in new and thought-provoking ways.

Photography,  31.5x19.7 in
Smoke Photography, 31.5x19.7 in
©2024 Davide Poggio

Notable contemporary Conceptual Art Photographs

Contemporary Conceptual Art Photography is a type of photography that aims to present its audience with an idea or concept rather than just a visual representation of something. It challenges the traditional notions of photography and encourages viewers to think deeper about the artwork and its meaning. Here are some well-known contemporary Conceptual Art Photographs.

"The Clock" by Christian Marclay, created in 2010, is a 24-hour video installation that explores the relationship between time and culture. The artwork is made up of thousands of film and TV clips that depict different times of the day, creating a mesmerizing and thought-provoking experience.

"Sherrie Levine: After Walker Evans" by Sherrie Levine, created in 1981, is a series of photographs that reproduce the photographs of Walker Evans, a well-known documentary photographer. Levine’s work questions the originality of art and the role of the artist in creating meaning.

"Cindy Sherman: Untitled Film Stills" by Cindy Sherman, created between 1977 and 1980, is a series of black and white photographs that depict Sherman in various stereotypical female roles from Hollywood films of the 1950s and 60s. Sherman’s work challenges the idea of femininity and the roles that women are expected to play in society.

"Untitled (Cowboy)" by Richard Prince, created in 1989, is a photograph of a photograph that depicts a cowboy from a Marlboro cigarette advertisement. Prince’s work explores the relationship between advertising and masculinity and questions the authenticity of the American West.

"Erwin Wurm: One Minute Sculptures" by Erwin Wurm, created in 1997, is a series of photographs that depict people performing simple, absurd tasks with everyday objects. Wurm’s work challenges the idea of sculpture and encourages viewers to think about the potential for art in everyday life.

These Artworks and many others like them continue to challenge our perceptions of photography and what it means to create art. They invite us to engage with the world in new ways and to think about the deeper meanings behind the images we see.

Most Relevant | Newest

Photography titled "6220 fesses de vitr…" by Oliv Berth, Original Artwork, Manipulated Photography
6220 fesses de vitrine - Photography, 35.4x23.6 in ©2021 by Oliv Berth - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Female nudes, nu, vitrine, fusion, déshabillée, reflet, imaginaire

Oliv Berth

"6220 fesses de vitrine"

Photography | 35.4x23.6 in

Photography titled "Smoke" by Davide Poggio, Original Artwork, AI generated image
Smoke - Photography, 31.5x19.7 in ©2024 by Davide Poggio - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Erotic Nudes, art. nudity, female, nudity, smoke, erotic, sensual

Davide Poggio


Photography | 31.5x19.7 in

Photography titled "L'effet miroir 1/3" by Bettina Dupont, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
L'effet miroir 1/3 - Photography, 9.8x9.8 in ©2022 by Bettina Dupont - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Women Portraits, coiffeuse, feminin, femme, rouge à lèvre, miroir

Bettina Dupont

"L'effet miroir 1/3"

Photography | 9.8x9.8 in

Photography titled "Mare d'inverno #3" by Salvatore Inghilterra, Original Artwork, Digital Photography Mounted on Wood Stret…
Mare d'inverno #3 - Photography, 15.8x19.7 in ©2021 by Salvatore Inghilterra - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Seascape, mare

Salvatore Inghilterra

"Mare d'inverno #3"

Photography | 15.8x19.7 in

Photography titled "PAESAGGIO SILENTE" by Gianni Boattini, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
PAESAGGIO SILENTE - Photography, 15.8x11.8 in ©2018 by Gianni Boattini - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Women Portraits

Gianni Boattini


Photography | 15.8x11.8 in

On Request
Photography titled "Futurist Body II Di…" by Cédric Brion (Studio Clavicule Pics), Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Futurist Body II Dibond - Photography, 35.4x23.6 in ©2024 by Cédric Brion (Studio Clavicule Pics) - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Portrait, conceptuel, art, artistique, corps, nu, futur, portait, photographie, dark

Cédric Brion (Studio Clavicule Pics)

"Futurist Body II Dibond"

Photography | 35.4x23.6 in

Photography titled "À l'ombre des cyprès" by Emma Laflute, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
À l'ombre des cyprès - Photography, 16.5x9.3 in ©2024 by Emma Laflute - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Tree, Arbres, Nature, Vert, Ombre, Soleil, Cyprès, Artmajeur, Emmalaflute

Emma Laflute

"À l'ombre des cyprès"

Photography | 16.5x9.3 in

Photography titled "BLM" by Shaun Johnson, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
BLM - Photography, 20x20 in ©2020 by Shaun Johnson - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Portrait, silhouette, black lives matter, blm, man, men, male, politics, united states, america, flag, sun, government, rebellion, rebel, anarchy, revolt, protest

Shaun Johnson


Photography | 20x20 in

Photography titled "On The radio" by Dan Lavric, Original Artwork, Non Manipulated Photography
On The radio - Photography ©2024 by Dan Lavric - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, woman, radio

Dan Lavric

"On The radio"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $133.12
Photography titled "Overline" by Dan Lavric, Original Artwork, Non Manipulated Photography
Overline - Photography ©2024 by Dan Lavric - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579

Dan Lavric


Photography | Several sizes

Available from $133.12
Photography titled "the robot man" by Andrew Kyle, Original Artwork, Analog photography
the robot man - Photography ©2021 by Andrew Kyle - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Everyday Life, all my pictures Andrew Kyle

Andrew Kyle

"the robot man"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $43.92
Photography titled "Double mort" by Pauline Foucart Escarcega, Original Artwork, Non Manipulated Photography
Double mort - Photography, 23.6x15.8 in ©2024 by Pauline Foucart Escarcega - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Women Portraits, croix, portrait, nu, femme, mort

Pauline Foucart Escarcega

"Double mort"

Photography | 23.6x15.8 in

Photography titled "La tâche 2/3" by Bettina Dupont, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
La tâche 2/3 - Photography, 19.7x19.7 in ©2021 by Bettina Dupont - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Women Portraits, femme, topless, tache, rouge, france

Bettina Dupont

"La tâche 2/3"

Photography | 19.7x19.7 in

Photography titled "Girl Power" by Pauline Foucart Escarcega, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Girl Power - Photography, 23.6x15.8 in ©2024 by Pauline Foucart Escarcega - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Politics, girl power, feminisme, menagere, aspirateur, revolution, caricature, femme moderne

Pauline Foucart Escarcega

"Girl Power"

Photography | 23.6x15.8 in

Photography titled "Underwater explorat…" by Emma Laflute, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Underwater exploration - Photography, 18.3x10.3 in ©2024 by Emma Laflute - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Boat, Sous marin, Exploration, Emmalaflute, Art majeur, Mer, Bleu, Bateau

Emma Laflute

"Underwater exploration"

Photography | 18.3x10.3 in

Photography titled "Jazz Room" by Grigore Roibu, Original Artwork, Manipulated Photography
Jazz Room - Photography, 30.3x47.2 in ©2024 by Grigore Roibu - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Guitar, portrait, song, singer, guitar, blues, man, people, color, studio, conceptual, indoor, club, night, old, jazz

Grigore Roibu

"Jazz Room"

Photography | 30.3x47.2 in

Photography titled "Intrusion 1/3" by Bettina Dupont, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Intrusion 1/3 - Photography, 9.8x9.8 in ©2021 by Bettina Dupont - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Technology, technologie, téléphone, phonecall, france, conceptuel, photographie

Bettina Dupont

"Intrusion 1/3"

Photography | 9.8x9.8 in

Photography titled "Emotional Body_Beau…" by Christelle Viviers, Original Artwork, Digital Photography Mounted on Aluminium
Emotional Body_Beauty - Photography, 31.5x31.5 in ©2020 by Christelle Viviers - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Abstract, Embodiment, Bodies Below Surface, Beauty, Pink, hUmaNITY, identity, abstraction, conceptual art, Viviers

Christelle Viviers

"Emotional Body_Beauty"

Photography | 31.5x31.5 in

Photography titled "Évolution-dilution…" by Philippe Alliet, Original Artwork, Digital Photography Mounted on Other rigid pa…
Évolution-dilution N°12 - Photography, 19.7x19.7 in ©2024 by Philippe Alliet - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Female nudes

Philippe Alliet

"Évolution-dilution N°12"

Photography | 19.7x19.7 in

Photography titled "Divisionism" by Davide Novello, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Divisionism - Photography, 23.6x15.8 in ©2024 by Davide Novello - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Geometric, photo, dream, light, blade, abstract, black and white, awakening

Davide Novello


Photography | 23.6x15.8 in

Photography titled "Brave" by Shaun Johnson, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Brave - Photography, 20x20 in ©2020 by Shaun Johnson - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Bird, animal, bird, eagle, fowl, nature, animal kingdom, black and white, zoo, natural, birds of prey, feathers

Shaun Johnson


Photography | 20x20 in

Photography titled "WORK TO PLAY" by Catalina Torres, Original Artwork, Non Manipulated Photography Mounted on Metal
WORK TO PLAY - Photography, 35.4x27.6 in ©2018 by Catalina Torres - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Abstract

Catalina Torres


Photography | 35.4x27.6 in

Photography titled "Monarchie révolutio…" by Kamien Cholewinski, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Monarchie révolutionnaire - Photography, 47.2x31.5 in ©2021 by Kamien Cholewinski - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Portrait

Kamien Cholewinski

"Monarchie révolutionnaire"

Photography | 47.2x31.5 in

Photography titled "Spiritual Body_Sham…" by Christelle Viviers, Original Artwork, Digital Photography Mounted on Aluminium
Spiritual Body_Shaman - Photography, 31.5x31.5 in ©2020 by Christelle Viviers - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Abstract, Embodiment, Bodies Below Surface, hUmaNITY, identity, pink, white, Viviers, abstraction, conceptual art, phototgraphy

Christelle Viviers

"Spiritual Body_Shaman"

Photography | 31.5x31.5 in

Photography titled "Self Portrait III" by Shaun Johnson, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Self Portrait III - Photography, 20x20 in ©2021 by Shaun Johnson - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Men portraits, self portrait, portrait, men, man, people, person, black and white, long exposure, digital

Shaun Johnson

"Self Portrait III"

Photography | 20x20 in

Photography titled "Autumn Beauty" by Ömer Erdoğan, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Autumn Beauty - Photography, 11.8x15.8 in ©2024 by Ömer Erdoğan - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Women Portraits, blackandwhite, black and white, black and white photography, woman portrait, woman, black and white portrait

Ömer Erdoğan

"Autumn Beauty"

Photography | 11.8x15.8 in

Photography titled "The Sorceress 14 ex…" by Cédric Brion (Studio Clavicule Pics), Original Artwork, Digital Photography
The Sorceress 14 ex Dibond - Photography, 35.4x23.6 in ©2024 by Cédric Brion (Studio Clavicule Pics) - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Fantasy, art, conceptuel, artistique, portrait, photographie, spirituel, femme

Cédric Brion (Studio Clavicule Pics)

"The Sorceress 14 ex Dibond"

Photography | 35.4x23.6 in

Photography titled "Nuclear Summer" by Oana Bakovic, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Nuclear Summer - Photography, 16.5x23.4 in ©2021 by Oana Bakovic - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Flower, photography, fine art photography, floral photography, nature photography, contemporary photography, East Sussex artist

Oana Bakovic

"Nuclear Summer"

Photography | 16.5x23.4 in

Photography titled "L'effet miroir 2/3" by Bettina Dupont, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
L'effet miroir 2/3 - Photography, 19.7x19.7 in ©2022 by Bettina Dupont - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Women Portraits, feminin, femme, beauté, miroir, robe, france

Bettina Dupont

"L'effet miroir 2/3"

Photography | 19.7x19.7 in

Photography titled "Clé'O" by Rico, Original Artwork, Digital Photography Mounted on Aluminium
Clé'O - Photography, 27.6x27.6 in ©2024 by Rico - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Science fiction, eau, fontaine



Photography | 27.6x27.6 in

Photography titled "dark Angel VI dibond" by Cédric Brion (Studio Clavicule Pics), Original Artwork, Digital Photography
dark Angel VI dibond - Photography, 35.4x23.6 in ©2023 by Cédric Brion (Studio Clavicule Pics) - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Fantasy, portrait, femmes, queen, déesse, corps, photographie, art, artistique, conceptuel, dark

Cédric Brion (Studio Clavicule Pics)

"dark Angel VI dibond"

Photography | 35.4x23.6 in

Photography titled "The Snow Queen" by Ianina Ermakova, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
The Snow Queen - Photography, 15.8x19.7 in ©2021 by Ianina Ermakova - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Fairytale, portrait, fairy tale, snow, queen, winter

Ianina Ermakova

"The Snow Queen"

Photography | 15.8x19.7 in

Photography titled "Toucher les étoiles…" by Bettina Dupont, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Toucher les étoiles 3/3 - Photography, 31.5x31.5 in ©2020 by Bettina Dupont - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Fantasy, femme, étoile, ciel, violet, france

Bettina Dupont

"Toucher les étoiles 3/3"

Photography | 31.5x31.5 in

Photography titled "woman on lines" by Fernando David Amador De Paz, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
woman on lines - Photography ©2023 by Fernando David Amador De Paz - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Portrait, Portrait, woman, walking, passageway, lights and shadows, lines, depth, black and white, elegnace, art, fineart, retro, vintage

Fernando David Amador De Paz

"woman on lines"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $27.18
Photography titled "Geist" by Lídia Vives, Original Artwork, Manipulated Photography
Geist - Photography, 35.4x24 in ©2020 by Lídia Vives - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Religion, gold, mixed media, black, dark, nude

Lídia Vives


Photography | 35.4x24 in

Photography titled "Namib Desert-1143-SW" by Uwe Bauch, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Namib Desert-1143-SW - Photography ©2017 by Uwe Bauch - Conceptual Art, conceptual-art-579, Desert, namib desert, mountain, dunes, road, landscape, nature, black and white, namibia, sand, gravel, horizon, monochrome, street, hill, desert, fine art, africa, horizontal

Uwe Bauch

"Namib Desert-1143-SW"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $56.54


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