Fish designs for sale

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Drawing titled "The Mermaid Portrai…" by Nadezhda Kokorina, Original Artwork, Pastel
The Mermaid Portrait of a girl painting oil pastel drawing - Drawing, 16.5x11.7 in ©2024 by Nadezhda Kokorina - Figurative, figurative-594, Fish, beautiful mermaid, under water, painting with a fish, fish graphics, pisces horoscope, mermaid with fish, mermaid painting, Mermaid in the sea, The girl in the sea, Portrait of a girl, girl graphics, oil pastel, mystical picture, marine painting, Underwater world picture, fabulous picture, beautiful girl drawing, see drawing, The sea girl, bright fish art

Nadezhda Kokorina

"The Mermaid Portrait of a girl painting oil pastel drawing"

Pastel on Paper | 16.5x11.7 in

Prints available


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