COLORFUL LEAVES - tropical botanical wall art, exotic leaves (2021) Painting by Valeria Amirkhanyan

Oil on Canvas, 17.7x11.8 in
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Seller Valeria Amirkhanyan

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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Valeria Amirkhanyan

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 21 collections
❝Colorful leaves❞. I really like such colorful plants, as a rule, they are very unpretentious, they can rarely be watered and even removed in a dark place, and this will make it grow even more magnificently. Perhaps the “place in the sun”, which everyone seeks to find and occupy, is not suitable for everyone? Each painting[...]
❝Colorful leaves❞.

I really like such colorful plants, as a rule, they are very unpretentious, they can rarely be watered and even removed in a dark place, and this will make it grow even more magnificently. Perhaps the “place in the sun”, which everyone seeks to find and occupy, is not suitable for everyone?

Each painting that I create is a unique dance with a variety of materials. I often refer to methods of applying liquid acrylic when priming surfaces and then going on to oil painting.
The quality of this work with layers enables me to build up diverse and rich texture, from which my characteristic images appear.

▪︎ mixed media painting on canvas
▪︎ size 45х30 x 1.5 cm
▪︎ covered with a protective varnish to prevent it from dust and sunlight
▪︎ signed on the front and back, also comes with a certificate of authenticity

♥︎ JOIN ME on Instagram valeriamir_art

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.Lera was born in a closed Siberian town where nuclear waste is stored and grew up missing wild spaces and sun outside the barbed wire. Making art was her favorite thing to do. She attended the college[...]

.Lera was born in a closed Siberian town where nuclear waste is stored and grew up missing wild spaces and sun outside the barbed wire.

Making art was her favorite thing to do. She attended the college of Surikov and studied to become a theatrical painter hoping that one day it would allow her to move somewhere to follow her dream of being an artist.

Her first job as a theatrical painter was in Krasnoyarsk city - the heart of Siberian culture where she immediately found her true home. Surrounded by the wild nature she discovered a vibrant arts community where her love of art was able to grow.

In 2020 Lera opened an art school to follow and share her passion for making art and painting. Since then she has, and worked full time at finding and refining her voice in art. Always she has strived to make work that is unconventional and original, loving the challenge of learning new techniques and working in various genres. Ultimately her greatest interest had always been to develop her abstract work, to say something that has not yet been said with paint.

Studying with other artists at the university level as well as in many private workshops and studios, she has had many teachers and influences that have aided her development. Experimentation and exploration in the studio are bringing her to a unique and strong personal voice and style. Bold, colorful, and exuberant work is her offering to the world. A joyful celebration of life. 

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Oil on Canvas | 25.6x19.7 in
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