Interior painting "Cherry blossoms" (2024) Malerei von Elena Gerasimova


Verkäufer Elena Gerasimova

Kunstdruckpapier, 8x11 in

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Kunst Bilddatenbank
  • Original-Kunstwerk (One Of A Kind) Malerei, Acryl auf Leinen Leinwand
  • Masse Höhe 23,6in, Breite 31,5in
  • Zustand des Kunstwerks Das Kunstwerk ist in einwandfreiem Zustand
  • Rahmen Dieses Kunstwerk ist nicht gerahmt
  • Kategorien Abstrakte Kunst Blumen
A gentle pink sunset spreads across the blue sky, the wind carries white cherry petals throughout the garden, which fall from graceful brown branches - this pleasant spring evening remains with you in this painting. High spirits and reflections on the eternal beauty of the world, which is constantly changing and mesmerizing in its movement.[...]
A gentle pink sunset spreads across the blue sky, the wind carries white cherry petals throughout the garden, which fall from graceful brown branches - this pleasant spring evening remains with you in this painting.

High spirits and reflections on the eternal beauty of the world, which is constantly changing and mesmerizing in its movement. This state can be felt and transferred to a white canvas, and here is this new painting that brings grace to the living space.

The picture radiates spirituality and pacifies the one looking at it, let there be light and goodness in the soul.

On a different path
I'll go today
Along the Yoshino Mountains:
I want to admire the cherries
which I am not yet familiar with.

Saigyō (1118–1190)

Verwandte Themen

Cherry BlossomsPainting In PinkSpring PaintingSpring FlowersSpring Mood

Automatisch übersetzt
Elena lives in Latvia and she: - Member of the Professional Union of Artists, - Resident of the International Association of Artists, - Listed in the Unified Register of Professional Artists.

Elena lives in Latvia and she:
- Member of the Professional Union of Artists,
- Resident of the International Association of Artists,
- Listed in the Unified Register of Professional Artists.

Elena says:

I am in beautiful little Latvia, on the shores of the Baltic Sea, which gives freshness and inspiration.

Once I visited the holy elder Nikolai Guryanov (he lived on an island in Lake Pskov). The elder blessed me for creativity. Since then, for 25 years now, I have been creating icons, portraits and paintings. My works are in different temples and houses, as well as in different countries.

I like to spiritualize the space so that it helps to think about God and creates a favorable atmosphere in the house.I paint with acrylic, oil, gouache, pastel - on canvas and cardboard.

Creativity, like prayer, connects me with God.

Mehr von Elena Gerasimova

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