Crying Mountains (2019) Tablo David Vall tarafından


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Satıcı David Vall

Dijital lisanslama

Bu resim bir lisans ile indirilebilir

Maksimum çözünürlük: 2905 x 3620 px
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Satıcı David Vall

  • Orijinal sanat Tablo, Akrilik
  • boyutlar Yükseklik 31,9in, Genişlik 25,6in
  • Kategoriler Resimler $5.000'nun altında Soyut sanat
Acrylique sur toile de lin montée sur châssis, prête à accrocher. Côtés peints en noir. Toile vernie, signée au dos et livrée avec un certificat d'authenticité de l'artiste. Le sceau de l'artiste est apposé dans l'oeuvre. L’œuvre intitulée « Montagnes qui Pleurent » est une composition pseudo-abstraite mêlant[...]
Acrylique sur toile de lin montée sur châssis, prête à accrocher. Côtés peints en noir.
Toile vernie, signée au dos et livrée avec un certificat d'authenticité de l'artiste. Le sceau de l'artiste est apposé dans l'oeuvre.

L’œuvre intitulée « Montagnes qui Pleurent » est une composition pseudo-abstraite mêlant peinture acrylique, brou de noix, et incrustations de papier de riz fibreux. Des nappes colorées translucides se superposent pour composer ce paysage abstrait où les montagnes sont faites de lambeaux de papier teintés au bleu de Prusse et au brou de noix. Un vernis opaque est utilisé pour recouvrir l'intégralité de la composition, à l'exception des nappes brumeuses opalescentes et de la section bleutée bénéficiant d’un vernis brillant reflétant la lumière. Le sceau de l'artiste est apposé sur la gauche de la composition. L'empreinte est faite à l'aide d'un sceau en pierre sculptée imprégné de pâte Zhusha rouge cinabre.

Original hand-made painting created with acrylic paints on high-quality streched linen canvas ready to hang. Edges are painted in black.
The painting is varnished, signed on the back and delivered with a certificate of authenticity from the artist. The artist seal is affixed on the artwork.

The painting entitled « Crying Mountains » is a pseudo-abstract evocation combining acrylic painting, walnut stain, and fibrous rice paper embedding. Coloured and translucid layers are superimposed on each other to compose this abstract landscape where the mountains are made of rice paper shreds tinted with Prussian blue and walnut stain. A matte varnish covers the whole painting, except for the opalescent mist and blue area that benefit from a glossy varnish reflecting light. The artist seal is affixed on the left of the painting. This print is made with a carved seal stone impregneted with Zhusha cinnabar seal paste.

İlgili temalar

Chinese PaintingBlueMountainsWhitePurple

Otomatik olarak çevrildi
David Vall was born in France in 1978. Even though graphite pencil drawing, Chinese ink painting and Japanese calligraphy were early artistic interests to him, he turned towards higher education in science[...]

David Vall was born in France in 1978. Even though graphite pencil drawing, Chinese ink painting and Japanese calligraphy were early artistic interests to him, he turned towards higher education in science and became a researcher in behavioural neurosciences. Two years spent in British Columbia led him to discover natural scenery and lights of deep emotional intensity that awakened interest in the use of colours for his painting. His sources of inspiration are multiple: a piece of art he admired, the remembrance of scenery he contemplated, an emotion or a state of mind that holds on to his soul and wishes to take shape. Many of his artworks are also inspired by natural elements.

Order number (Maison des Artistes): V570781
SIREN number: 820 234 110

“We are dealing with artworks that start from reality observation – colors and textures are the proof – but there seems to be even more: an obvious emotional implication turning into a chaotic element that gives an extra dimension to the compositions. The colors are natural but become material and the contrasts are inevitably accentuated, the textures are those of the bark, the water or the soil, or even simply the sight of a landscape obscured by the mist. Despite the particular character of these works, we find a dynamism very engaging as well by their compositional development as by the chromatic contrasts, and even when these are absent, the textured materials compensate this lack. David Vall's landscapes revolve around the artist's sensitivity, establishing a privileged relationship between the viewer, the work and the author, in which the existence of such an intoxicating emotional dimension becomes the reason to give life to the works but also to enjoy them during a moment of relaxed contemplation.”
Marcello Cazzaniga, art critique and curator (translated from Italian).

Recent exhibitions:

2022, January-February: Solo Exhibition, Établissement Français du Sang, Rennes, France.

2021, September-November, Art Group Exhibition, L'Autre Lieu, Le Rheu, France.

2020, September 27th to October 4th: Art Group Exhibition "The Green Lion, Villa Monastero, Varenna, Italy.

2019, Oct 18th to 28th: Art Group Exhibition "Esperienze Creative". Galleria Merlino, Firenze, Italy.

2019, Sept 30th to Oct 6th: Art Group Exhibition "Mondi Onirici". Galleria Merlino, Firenze, Italy.

2019, Sept 24th to 27th: Art Group Exhibition "On Tour Cannes". Galerie d'Art Cecchin-Stretti, Cannes, France.

2019, May 14th to Jun 14th: Art Group Exhibition. Le Diapason, Rennes, France.

2019, Apr 21st to 27th: International Art Group Exhibition "On Tour London". Royal Opera Arcade (ROA) Gallery, London, UK. Curator: Marina Volpi, ArtExpertise.

2019, Jan 12th to 23rd: International Art Group Exhibition, XX Salón Internacional. ESART Galeria, Barcelona, Espana. Curator: Jordi Jové.

2018, July 14th to 29th: International Art Group Exhibition Iperuranio at the former Church San Nicolao, Bellano, Lake Como, Italy. Camaver Kunsthaus by Marcello Cazzaniga.

David Vall daha fazla sanat çalışmalarını gör !

Tüm sanat çalışmalarını gör
Tuval tarihinde Akrilik | 14,2x14,2 in
Tuval tarihinde Akrilik | 5,1x5,1 in
Tuval tarihinde Akrilik | 7,9x7,9 in
Tuval tarihinde Akrilik | 7,9x7,9 in


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