"in My World of Water- Honourary Mention Award (ASIG) Water (2022) Скульптура - Dorienne Carmel

Скульптура - Керамика, 15x7,1 in
1 200,43 $
Цена: Бесплатная доставка

Продавец Dorienne Carmel
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Это художественное произведение появляется в 6 в коллекциях
I’m thrilled to have received an Honourable Mention Award for "In My World of Water" from the Art Show International Gallery. Among a breathtaking display of artworks, one piece stands out: my handcrafted ceramic mermaid. Perched gracefully atop a hand-built rock adorned with embedded sea shells, she exudes charm and wonder, showcasing my[...]
I’m thrilled to have received an Honourable Mention Award for "In My World of Water" from the Art Show International Gallery. Among a breathtaking display of artworks, one piece stands out: my handcrafted ceramic mermaid. Perched gracefully atop a hand-built rock adorned with embedded sea shells, she exudes charm and wonder, showcasing my dedication to creativity and craftsmanship.

Crafted with care, I have brought to life a mermaid that embodies the enchantment of the ocean. Every detail is meticulously woven with wire and metal rings, adorned with shimmering sequins reflecting the iridescence of sea treasures. Her fishtail, dipped in blue hues, flows gracefully around her while her eyes hold the mysteries of the deep. This delicate interplay of colors and materials captures the essence of the ocean, drawing viewers into her captivating world.

Dressed in a blue bra and adorned with an iridescent necklace, she exudes both charm and whimsy. Her hands are delicately placed on seashells as if beckoning viewers into her aquatic realm. The thoughtful placement of each element contributes to the mermaid's lifelike appearance and magical allure. This unique creation has earned recognition in a prestigious competition, a testament to my skill and imagination, offering a glimpse into a realm where possibilities are endless.

Visitors to the gallery admire her beauty and are transported into a world where imagination reigns supreme. Each piece tells a story, sparking the imagination and inviting exploration. In this watery realm, the mermaid stands as a symbol of creativity, beauty, and the endless wonders of the deep. Her serene presence evokes a sense of calm and wonder, inviting viewers to lose themselves in the mysteries of the ocean.

Creating this mermaid was a labor of love, and the Honourable Mention Award signifies more than just recognition—it represents a journey into the depths of creativity and the magic that lies within the human spirit. It’s a reminder that art has the power to transcend the ordinary and bring fantastical visions to life. This mermaid is not just a sculpture; she is a bridge to a world of dreams, where the boundaries of reality blur, and the ocean's secrets come alive.

As she sits atop her rocky perch, she invites all who gaze upon her to dive into their own imaginations and explore the uncharted territories of their minds. The mermaid, with her enchanting presence and meticulous craftsmanship, stands as a testament to the enduring allure of the sea and the boundless possibilities that art can reveal.

Связанные темы

Ceramic MermaidCeramic SculptureGiftsMermaidsHome Decor

Переведено автоматически
Dorienne Carmel is a multifaceted artist whose boundless imagination fuels her creations across various mediums. From her whimsical ceramics to her imaginative oil paintings, Dorienne's artwork delights[...]

Dorienne Carmel is a multifaceted artist whose boundless imagination fuels her creations across various mediums. From her whimsical ceramics to her imaginative oil paintings, Dorienne's artwork delights viewers with its colourful characters and intricate details. Her ability to handcraft figurative portraits from photographs, transforming individuals into charming characters within her imaginative universe, showcases her unique talent and creativity.

Based in her Hertfordshire studio, Dorienne works with clay, wire, and various materials to bring her 3D ceramic characters to life. Each piece is infused with humour and invites viewers to connect with the stories they evoke. Drawing inspiration from her fascination with childhood tales and everyday human experiences, Dorienne infuses her work with a sense of joy and wonder.

In addition to her ceramics, Dorienne's imaginative oil paintings have also garnered acclaim, winning awards in prestigious competitions. Her paintings capture the essence of her vibrant world, earning recognition from critics and audiences alike. Whether she's moulding clay or painting on canvas, Dorienne's artistry knows no bounds, leaving an indelible mark on all who encounter her creations.

Open to commissions, Dorienne welcomes inquiries from those looking to bring a touch of whimsy into their lives. Whether it's a personalized portrait or a unique sculpture, she is happy to collaborate with clients to create something special. Additionally, Dorienne is actively seeking opportunities to showcase her work in galleries, eager to share her imaginative world with a wider audience. If you're interested in experiencing Dorienne's playful creations or discussing a potential collaboration, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Смотреть ещё Dorienne Carmel

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