SLIPPED GLIMPSE (DE KOONING'S GARDEN) (2006) Скульптура - Don Dougan

Скульптура - Мультимедиа, 22x1 in
2 484 $
Цена: Бесплатная доставка

Продавец Don Dougan
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Сертификат подлинности включен
  • Подлинное произведение искусства Скульптура, Мультимедиа
  • Размеры Высота 22in, Ширина 1in / 5.20 kg
  • Подходит для улицы? Нет, Это произведение искусства не может быть выставлено на открытом воздухе
  • Категории Скульптуры до 5 000 $ Абстрактное
Italian rosso magnaboschi & trani marbles, Texas sandstone, cast bronze, found shell , engraved mother-of-pearl Willem de Kooning was a Dutch American artist who in the post-World War II era painted in a style that came to be referred to as “Abstract Expressionism” or “Action Painting”. He moved to the USA as a stowaway in 1926.
Italian rosso magnaboschi & trani marbles, Texas sandstone, cast bronze, found shell , engraved mother-of-pearl

Willem de Kooning was a Dutch American artist who in the post-World War II era painted in a style that came to be referred to as “Abstract Expressionism” or “Action Painting”. He moved to the USA as a stowaway in 1926.
He said, “Content is a glimpse.” “You know the real world, this so-called real world, is just something you put up with. Like everybody else, I’m in my element when I am a little bit out of this world. Then I’m in the real world – I’m on the beam. Because when I’m falling, I’m doing all right. When I’m slipping, I say: Hey, this is interesting. That is a wonderful sensation . . . to slip into this glimpse." "You could call me a slipping glimpser."
Rotterdam, The Netherlands April 24, 1904 — Long Island, New York March 19, 1997

Enjoying some peanuts whiling away the day in De Kooning's back garden.

Связанные темы

Willem De KooningGardenMarbleWall SculptureSculpture

Переведено автоматически
As a child Don began collect and draw rocks, fossils, and seashells. These activities grew into an interest in paleontology and archaeology, but it was the modeling of clay dinosaurs and making of wooden boats[...]

As a child Don began collect and draw rocks, fossils, and seashells. These activities grew into an interest in paleontology and archaeology, but it was the modeling of clay dinosaurs and making of wooden boats that lead him to become a sculptor. He learned to work wood by helping his father in his garage woodshop, and by high school Don had started teaching himself to carve both in wood and stone, and at university he continued the auto-didactic exploration of working stone as the school he attended had no stone-carving sculpture faculty. Don also worked for a collector of antique hand tools for many years, and through his work in researching, writing, and displaying literally thousands of those tools for the collector Don developed an avid interest in the many types of hand tool and their traditional — and not-so-traditional — usage. When the collection became the core of a history museum in North Georgia Don had the additional experience of learning to display and present the collection in a more-formal manner to a different standard for the public. Each of these learning experiences has come-out in his artwork and in the tool-making he often does to create some of the works that require that ‘one-off’ approach.
Though stone is a primary material in which he sculpts, other materials and found objects are also worked in conjunction with the stone to explore the potential expressiveness of each combination. His work is firstly about the material — through the direct interaction of his hands with each material he delves into what those materials can express about his perceptions of the world. The auto-didactic learning process is also an essential part of his work — he tries to explore something new in each new piece; whether it is a new material or combination-of-materials, a new tool, a new approach or technique, or a new premise or idea.
Don has given workshops and taught university-level classes in sculpture and stone-carving in several schools in the metro-Atlanta area, as well as in Italy and in Finland. His work has been exhibited widely in the Southeast region, across the nation, and internationally.

Born 1952 Portland Oregon
BFA Atlanta College of Art, 1975
MFA Georgia State University, 1990
Visiting Sculpture Professor Cortona, Italy — University of Georgia Studies Abroad Program 1993, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005
Artist-In-Residence Cortona, Italy — University of Georgia Studies Abroad Program 1991, 1997
Visiting Sculpture Professor Imatra, Finland — South Karelia Polytechnic 2004, 2005
Sculpture Instructor — Atlanta College of Art 1986-2006
Instructor of 3D and Sculpture — Georgia Perimeter College 1995-2011
Instructor of 3D and Sculpture — Gainesville College 1999

Смотреть ещё Don Dougan

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Скульптура - Мультимедиа | 3x10 in
1 139 $
Скульптура - Бумага | 11x9 in
2 022 $
Скульптура - Камень | 17x6 in
1 662 $
Скульптура - Мультимедиа | 12x13,3 in
1 775 $


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