Elegant black and white drawing of a cat (2018) 描画 Diana Dimova - Traxi によって

段ボールの木炭, 14.2x19.7 in
プライス: 送料無料

お客様のレビュー (158)
発送元: ブルガリア (チューブ) 1週間内で発送
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Diana Dimova - Traxi



最大解像度: 6120 x 4293 px

販売者 Diana Dimova - Traxi

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 描画, 段ボールの 木炭
  • 寸法 高さ 14.2in, 幅 19.7in
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • フレーミング このアートワークは額装されていません
  • カテゴリ 図面 $500未満 ミニマリズム キャッツ
Elegant black and white drawing of a cat - perfect for office decor and gifts! I am Diana Dimova-TRAXI – Abstract artist. Introducing a purring addition to your workspace or a wonderful gift for a cat lover! Check out the fascinating artwork titled "My Cat" Created with precise charcoal strokes, this black and white[...]
Elegant black and white drawing of a cat - perfect for office decor and gifts!

I am Diana Dimova-TRAXI – Abstract artist.
Introducing a purring addition to your workspace or a wonderful gift for a cat lover! Check out the fascinating artwork titled "My Cat"
Created with precise charcoal strokes, this black and white painting is a beautiful portrait of my cat. Whether you want to add a touch of charm to your office or surprise someone with a unique gift, this affordable drawing seamlessly blends elegance and simplicity.
Size 50/36 cm (19/14 inches)
Charcoal on cardboard
If you order the painting, you will receive it securely packaged and with a certificate of authenticity.
Can a black-and-white drawing be rated as color?
To be able to. Thanks to its simple colors, it is suitable for any wall - white or colored.
Black and white pictures make an impact very quickly because of the strong contrast between black and white. If you want to immediately notice the picture in your home or office, get a black-and-white drowing..
Many offices are decorated with black and white paintings and this gives them simplicity and makes the space lively and comfortable.
If nothing were to limit you, would you hang this purring portrait at home or in the office?


Pet PortraitCat ArtCat PaintingCat Wall ArtCat Sketch

Diana Dimova TRAXI is a Bulgarian abstract artist known for her vibrant and dynamic paintings that invite viewers on a journey to freedom. Her abstract art explores themes of discovery and happiness. With a[...]

Diana Dimova TRAXI is a Bulgarian abstract artist known for her vibrant and dynamic paintings that invite viewers on a journey to freedom. Her abstract art explores themes of discovery and happiness. With a passion for experimentation and attention to detail, Diana creates unique abstract artworks that resonate with emotion and energy. In her paintings, Life is Wonderful!

Artist Statement: "My paintings are a way to Freedom! I adore Life, Movement, the Elements, the Elusive... Abstract art gives me the freedom to paint feelings, sensations, dreams, and even the future. My paintings show our blood connection with the Earth, the elements, and nature. They remind us that our life is here and now.

I paint freedom paintings. I work with material transformation, pouring acrylic paints on canvases. My paintings are born from small particles of movement, light, and love, merging at the perfect moment. Because right here and now: LIFE IS WONDERFUL!"

Notable Achievements:

•             Recognized by art critics and collectors for her bold and innovative approach to abstract expression,TRAXI's abstract paintings have been showcased in galleries and exhibitions worldwide.

•             Winner of international art competitions and participant in numerous international exhibitions.

•             Her abstract artworks are collected by art enthusiasts and connoisseurs for their dynamic energy palette and emotional depth, finding homes in private collections around the globe.

Conclusion: Diana Dimova TRAXI's abstract art transcends boundaries, inviting viewers to discover freedom, happiness, and the connection between humans and nature. With each pour of paint, she creates a world of wonder and possibility, challenging us to see the beauty in the abstract and the extraordinary in the everyday. Whether experienced in a gallery or a private collection, TRAXI's art leaves a lasting impression, inspiring and uplifting all who encounter it. Because in her paintings, Life is Wonderful!

Diana Dimova - Traxiからもっと見る

キャンバスのアクリル | 15.8x31.5 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 19.7x27.6 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 15.8x15.8 in
キャンバスのアクリル | 15.8x31.5 in

