Symbolistische Werke zu verkaufen

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Malerei mit dem Titel "Winter, Time of Ref…" von Pepe Villan, Original-Kunstwerk, Acryl
Winter, Time of Reflection - Malerei, 35,4x23,6 in ©2018 von Pepe Villan - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, winter, snowy landscape, subsoil, embossed paint, peinture en relief, abstract landscape

Pepe Villan

"Winter, Time of Reflection"

Acryl auf Leinwand | 35,4x23,6 in

1.104,85 $
Skulptur mit dem Titel "The Presidential Am…" von Lorenzo Ghiglieri, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
The Presidential American Patriot by Lorenzo Ghiglieri - Skulptur, 43x32 in ©2018 von Lorenzo Ghiglieri - Symbolism, symbolism-1020, Politik, Presidential American Patriot, Eagle, Patriot, Bald Eagle, Patriotism, Presidential, Sculpture, American, US Constituiton, We The People

Lorenzo Ghiglieri

"The Presidential American Patriot by Lorenzo Ghiglieri"

Skulptur - Bronze | 43x32 in

39.499 $


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