Surrealistische Werke zu verkaufen

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Skulptur mit dem Titel "Rainforest" von Yuliia Khovbosha, Original-Kunstwerk, Keramik
Rainforest - Skulptur, 9,5x4,7 in ©2021 von Yuliia Khovbosha - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Wald, yellow flowers, ceramic head, replace head with flowers, rainforest sculpture, environmental art piece, rainforest conservation, awareness-raising art, deforestation, habitat loss artwork, endangered species sculpture, hyper-realistic florwers, rainforest flora depiction, yellow cymbidium orchid, human-nature connection, rainforest destruction, environmental impact, preservation art, sculptural call to action, rainforest devastation, nature conservation sculpture

Yuliia Khovbosha


Skulptur - Keramik | 9,5x4,7 in



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