Fahrradskulpturen zu verkaufen

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Skulptur mit dem Titel "La pozzanghera" von Amalia Di Tecco, Original-Kunstwerk, Papier maché
La pozzanghera - Skulptur, 5,5x3,2 in ©2023 von Amalia Di Tecco - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Fahrrad, bicicletta, bicycle, friends, humor, happy, emergent artist, contemporary artist, contemporary sculptor, contemporary art, funny art, woman, womens, tandem, vintage bicycle, papier mache, paper art, woman artist, women artists, creative, creative art

Amalia Di Tecco

"La pozzanghera"

Skulptur - Papier maché | 5,5x3,2 in

Skulptur mit dem Titel "old school dude" von Branimir Misic, Original-Kunstwerk, Metalle
old school dude - Skulptur, 15,8x13 in ©2020 von Branimir Misic - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Fahrrad, unusual sculpture, repurposed sculpture, upcycled sculpture, funky sculpture, fantasy art work, fantasy creature, cyberpunk sculpture, old school dude, environmental gift, weird sculpture, art from ca, motorbike, on the way, along the way, on the road, come back, in passage, other world, creative art, beyond art

Branimir Misic

"old school dude"

Skulptur - Metalle | 15,8x13 in

Skulptur mit dem Titel "Migration to the Th…" von Hasan Cingiz, Original-Kunstwerk, Sprühfarbe
Migration to the Third Dimension Hasan Cingiz’s gypsies migr - Skulptur, 23,6x21,7 in ©2022 von Hasan Cingiz - Figurative, figurative-594, Fahrrad, do not transform. They migrate

Hasan Cingiz

"Migration to the Third Dimension Hasan Cingiz’s gypsies migr"

Skulptur - Sprühfarbe | 23,6x21,7 in

Skulptur mit dem Titel "Finish" von Kristof Toth, Original-Kunstwerk, Bronze
Finish - Skulptur, 15,8x27,6 in ©2018 von Kristof Toth - Cubism, cubism-582, Fahrrad, sport, sportsmen, cyclist, cycling, bicycling, biker, bicycle, finish, finale, kristof toth, vamosiart, dynamic, energy, harmony, biker sculpture, bronze biker, sport sculpture

Kristof Toth


Skulptur - Bronze | 15,8x27,6 in

3.354 $


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