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David Penez

beaurains, France
Artist (Photography, Digital Arts)
Born 1971
la plume du poète dans un éloge sensible du monde

David Penez is an artist photographer whose work in art galleries focuses mainly on a search for volume and relief from his photographs. He brings another dimension to his images by accentuating the relief with resin that he sculpts and models.

As an artist in an art gallery, he is present at Anne CLACE-art gallery. His latest exhibitions include seven participations in contemporary art fairs such as Art Shopping, Art3f, and the Artfair of Ghent, as well as exhibitions in Paris, Lyon, Reims, Nantes and Deauville. He was also interviewed in L'INTERNATIONAL ART EXPO Edition 2021.

His talent was rewarded with a press encouragement prize at the Anne CLACE gallery-art gallery and a Vermeil Fine Arts Medal awarded by the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Arras under the aegis of the institute of France. One of his works, entitled "Vidocq", has even been included in the heritage of the city of Arras.

Author photographer, he has a unique personal look at the elements and the moments that surround him. His photography is poetry where light and aesthetics combine harmoniously to reveal the moment. Since 2015, he has shared his artistic universe with the public through his exhibitions and his continuous exploration of photographic techniques.

Discover contemporary artworks by David Penez, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary french artists. Artistic domains: Photography, Digital Arts. Account type: Artist , member since 2018 (Country of origin France). Buy David Penez's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist David Penez. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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