Darya Insight Изображение профиля

Darya Insight

Художник (Фотография)
Родился в 1998
feel this edge of life..?

Once at the age of 12 I took my first shot of morning rose in drops of drew. And since that moment the life have become magnificent even in the most dark times.

My inspiration is life flow and people in their lifebeing, when they are revealed in most natural look and feelings, not trying to pose or play a role.

Now I have come to understanding that no digital processing can surpass the beauty of honesty and realness in this life, even if this beauty does not fit into nowadays polished frames. I focus on catching the moment and I don’t make hard post process except basic hatches so we can delight the universe in its true light

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Рейтинг артиста, Биография, Мастерская художника:

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