paleodrians the sages vol 1 (2024) Цифровое искусство - Cwgraphy

Бумага изобразительного искусства, 8x11 in
  • Эта работа является "Открытое издание" Цифровое искусство, Giclée Print / Цифровая печать
  • Размеры Доступны несколько размеров
  • Доступно несколько опор (Бумага изобразительного искусства, Тиснение по металлу, Печать на холсте)
  • Рама Обрамление доступно (Плавающая рамка + под стеклом, Рамка + Под акриловое стекло)
  • Состояние картины Картина в идеальном состоянии
  • Изображение, сгенерированное ИИ Художник создал это изображение с помощью технологии искусственного интеллекта.
  • Категории Концептуальное искусство фантастический
Imagine a planet where the sun, instead of giving life, burns it to the Imagine a planet where the sun, instead of giving life, burns it to the ground. Now imagine a civilization that once lived on the surface and was now forced to flee from the deadly sun into the depths of the planet. This exodus caused genetic changes. The entire society became[...]
Imagine a planet where the sun, instead of giving life, burns it to the Imagine a planet where the sun, instead of giving life, burns it to the ground. Now imagine a civilization that once lived on the surface and was now forced to flee from the deadly sun into the depths of the planet. This exodus caused genetic changes. The entire society became albinos with terribly pale skin. This transformation gave the already aristocratic society an even more noble expression. Imagine such a planet, its exceptional inhabitants and their extraordinary stories. I did it and you can admire the effects in the created images and soon in the stories attached to them. Meet the Paleodrians.

The story of Paleodrians will comming soon on ko-fi link in my linktr on X look for cwgraphy

In the context of techniques. The work is a mix of AI and digital art. The image created by AI was processed and modified in Photoshop, gaining a completely new face, literally. It can be said that AI was the inspiration and starting material for the works from this series.

In the context of techniques. The work is a mix of AI and digital art. The image created by AI was processed and modified in Photoshop, gaining a completely new face, literally. It can be said that AI was the inspiration and starting material for the works from this series.

Связанные темы

Переведено автоматически
This is presentation of photography n' graphic by CW. I am self-taught, although I have secondary art education. However, everything I know and can I learned intuitively during my work, both as an[...]

This is presentation of photography n' graphic by CW.

I am self-taught, although I have secondary art education. However, everything I know and can I learned intuitively during my work, both as an artist and over twenty years of adventure with advertising as a graphic designer , creative n' design studio owner, as well as freelancer. My works focus on photography, first the now classic digital one, and graphics. Although I learned traditional techniques, today I work based on digital possibilities, focusing on digital photography and digital art. Sometimes combining them with old analog way.

All above doesn't matter though. Because for me in art only thing that matters is your feelings n' experience towards what I create. Pure, unsuggested and undisturbed. Omitting the background allows you to obtain the right perspective without distortion and sugestion, focusing on what is most important - your feeling and experiences. The first original ones. Trust yourself, stop for a moment and feel... then will you experience pure art. When you feel it, remember it and process it in your mind to build your own art book on it.

Enjoy the experiences.

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Фотография | 39,4x27,6 in
Цифровое искусство | 39,4x27,6 in
Фотография | 39,4x27,6 in
Фотография | 27,6x39,4 in


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