White and Yellow Flowers (2018) Fotografie von China Alicia Rivera

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Verkäufer China Alicia Rivera

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33,00 $
130,00 $
272,00 $
Maximale Auflösung: 4032 x 3024 px
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Verkäufer China Alicia Rivera

  • Diese Arbeit ist eine "Open Edition" Fotografie, Giclée / Digitaldruck
  • Masse Verschiedene Grössen erhältlich
  • Mehrere Möglichkeiten (Kunstdruckpapier, Drucke auf Metall, Leinwand)
  • Rahmen Rahmung zur Verfügung (Schwebender Rahmen verglast, Rahmen mit Acrylglas)
White and Yellow Flowers - Photography By China Alicia Rivera Über dieses Kunstwerk: Einstufung, Techniken & Stile Technik Fotografie [...]
White and Yellow Flowers - Photography By China Alicia Rivera

Verwandte Themen

Photography_2018-2White And Yellow FlowersWhite FlowersDandelion FlowersPlant

Automatisch übersetzt
Welcome. Thank you for stopping by. 🥰 More Images to come! - Photography & Art By China Alicia Rivera (Creative Artist) | Op23hq “Obsidian Paradise 23 High Quality” | Photoshopflair | Abstract, Art, Design,[...]

Welcome. Thank you for stopping by. 🥰 More Images to come! - Photography & Art By China Alicia Rivera (Creative Artist) | Op23hq “Obsidian Paradise 23 High Quality” | Photoshopflair | Abstract, Art, Design, Drawing, Illustration, Digital Art, Creative AiArt.

Artist Inspiration:
What Inspires my Art is my environment. I grew up in Brooklyn, New York. And in many neighborhoods around Brooklyn New York, you will see Graffiti, and some of it is very nice and some of it is very colorful. That to me inspires my sense of how i use colors. Another thing that inspires me Artistically is Parks and Recreational Spaces around New York City. Parks and Recreational Spaces In all Five Boroughs: Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx and Staten Island tend to be very creative looking Architecturally, and that to me inspires the twists and turns that you will see in my Abstract Artworks. Another thing that i find very inspiring for me is just living in a Big City in General. Many of the Buildings in a City is very Architecturally Stunning in terms of materials used and the way the sun bounces off of the colors on a Beautiful Building on a Sunny Day. That inspires me to create Highlights and Glowing areas in my work. I also absolutely love sculptures seen throughout The City and within Museums. And finally, one of my greatest Artistic Inspirations that i think is a fantastic person is Vincent Van Gogh. His story and his Art touches my heart in a very special way, and i like to think that there is just a little bit of Van Gogh's Spirit Influencing me when i create art that somehow expands His Creative Influence and Spirit In The World. Thank you. ☺️

- Creative Artist: China Alicia Rivera
Instagram: op23hq | Shops: op23hq.com | op23hq.net | Blog: op23.net


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