Mozart (2023) Drawing by Aw Cerde

Ballpoint pen on Paper, 11x14 in
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Seller Aw Cerde
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Seller Aw Cerde

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
Originally drawn in 1991, this abstract drawing is a little homage to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The scene is set in a dynamic and fluid environment that seeks to evoke a visual representation of the maestro's sounds as he composes. A little musical fantasy where we walk into the room while he's deep in thought on his clavichord,[...]
Originally drawn in 1991, this abstract drawing is a little homage to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The scene is set in a dynamic and fluid environment that seeks to evoke a visual representation of the maestro's sounds as he composes.

A little musical fantasy where we walk into the room while he's deep in thought on his clavichord, and suddenly turns his head towards us.

Related themes

Abstract ExpressionismMusicMozartBlack And WhitePeople

The theme for most of my drawings revolves around the idea that even though the natural world creates dynamic and fluid forms that seem random and chaotic, they are actually governed by strict mathematical[...]

The theme for most of my drawings revolves around the idea that even though the natural world creates dynamic and fluid forms that seem random and chaotic, they are actually governed by strict mathematical principles. My intent is to create a visual narrative using the flow and form of these elements as they are arrayed around geometric patterns.

I Attended CSULB in the 1980's majoring in Graphic Design. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I was not able to finish my studies. However, in later years I completed my Bachelors of Science in Information Systems. In my early days at studying art, I delighted in the study of the fascinating works of Albert Durer, Hieronymus Bosch,  and M.C. Escher. Their style and talent captivated my imagination.

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Ballpoint pen on Paper | 11x14 in
Ballpoint pen on Paper | 11x14 in
Prints available
Ballpoint pen on Paper | 11x14 in
Prints available
Ballpoint pen on Paper | 11x14 in
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