Jade (2024) Painting by Carolyn Mielke (carographic)

Acrylic on Paper, 27.6x19.7 in
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One of a kind
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Dieses Kunstwerk ist ein Original, das Carolyn Mielke den Namen AVRIL gab. Das Kunstwerk ist mit Acrylfarben gemalt, signiert, lackiert und datiert und wird mit einem Echtheitszertifikat geliefert. Ideal für ein Zuhause, ein Büro, eine Galerie, Museum, Geschenk oder als Investition. Carolyn Mielke macht auch Auftragsarbeiten, fragen Sie einfach.
Dieses Kunstwerk ist ein Original, das Carolyn Mielke den Namen AVRIL gab. Das Kunstwerk ist mit Acrylfarben gemalt, signiert, lackiert und datiert und wird mit einem Echtheitszertifikat geliefert. Ideal für ein Zuhause, ein Büro, eine Galerie, Museum, Geschenk oder als Investition. Carolyn Mielke macht auch Auftragsarbeiten, fragen Sie einfach.

Professionelle Verpackung und der Versand findet via Spedition statt. Danke für dein Interesse! Wir freuen uns über jedes Feedback.

Titel: Jade
Künstlerin: Carolyn Mielke
Bild Code Nr.: 2024 AP-0233
Größe: 50 x 70
Material: dickes Naturpapier
Besonderes: Eine junge Frau blickt verträumt über Ihre rechte Schulter nach hinten. Das Kunstwerk ist in rot und nude gemalt.

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Carolyn Mielke, a contemporary German artist, embarked on her creative journey after completing training in commercial and design fields. Following a successful tenure as an art[...]

Carolyn Mielke, a contemporary German artist, embarked on her creative journey after completing training in commercial and design fields. Following a successful tenure as an art director for an international company, she took the bold step of becoming a self-employed freelance commercial graphic designer and illustrator in 2011. Her clientele included medium-sized companies, publishers, and public institutions, marking the onset of a flourishing career.

The pursuit of artistic independence allowed Carolyn to expand her creative horizons. Initially exploring mixed media, hand drawings, and digital image editing, she broadened her repertoire in 2014 to include vibrant watercolors for textile prints. A strong inclination towards painting with acrylics on large canvases emerged, characterized by a constant evolution in techniques and styles, encompassing abstract contemporary art and expressive paint applications. Carolyn's artistic process revolves around playful experimentation with colors, contrasts, and structures, infusing her works with a profound emotionality that defines her art.

In 2015, Carolyn made her exhibition debut at the Living Room Gallery Cottbus, followed by participation in various regional art projects. Since 2019, she has organized and hosted annual solo exhibitions in pop-up galleries across diverse locations. The core of her art lies in emotional portraits that resonate with viewers in multifaceted ways. Carolyn's contemporary pop art style, characterized by inspiring color experiments using neon and metal hues, brings human attitudes and well-known personalities to life on dramatic, expressive canvases.

The global reach of Carolyn's art expanded in 2020 when her work found representation in online galleries in Japan and the USA. A significant milestone in her journey occurred in 2021 with the inclusion of her work in the internationally renowned illustrated book "Freistil 7" by the illustrators. Her recognition as the "Most Innovative Acrylic Artist in Business" by the EU Business publisher in 2022 further solidified her standing in the art world. In the same year, she had the opportunity to exhibit her work at Deutsche Bahn for six months, showcasing the versatility and impact of her art on a broader scale. From a newcomer to a well-known painter, Carolyn Mielke continues to captivate audiences with her vibrant and emotionally charged creations.

See more from Carolyn Mielke (carographic)

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Acrylic on Paper | 27.6x19.7 in
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