Tomber dans les pommes 02/20 (2021) Photography by Bettina Dupont

Photography, 22.1x17.7 in
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Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 3 collections
* Limité à une édition de 20 tirages au total, quel que soit le format : 20x25cm ou 45x56cm. * Signé et numéroté par l'artiste avec certificat d'authenticité. * Impression giclée sur papier RAG 310g mat. (100% Coton). Série "Expressions Françaises".
* Limité à une édition de 20 tirages au total, quel que soit le format : 20x25cm ou 45x56cm.
* Signé et numéroté par l'artiste avec certificat d'authenticité.
* Impression giclée sur papier RAG 310g mat. (100% Coton).

Série "Expressions Françaises".

Related themes

PommesFemmeExpression FrançaiseConceptuelPhotographie

Automatically translated
Bettina Dupont, born in 1996, is a French contemporary artist. She is a self-taught artist. In 2011, she began learning conceptual photography and in 2023, she learned to paint in order to explore another way[...]

Bettina Dupont, born in 1996, is a French contemporary artist. She is a self-taught artist. In 2011, she began learning conceptual photography and in 2023, she learned to paint in order to explore another way of creating.

She uses symbolism and draws inspiration from popular beliefs to invent characters and stories around different themes relating to the human condition, she explores our relationship with time, our understanding of good and evil but more generally our world. and our current society.

Through simple compositions and impactful colors, every detail is thought out. I like my works to question, to provoke reflection and for each viewer to interpret them in their own way.

See more from Bettina Dupont

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Photography | 23.6x18.9 in
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