La Créature (2022) Drawing by Aurélie Sarrazin

Pencil on Paper, 19.7x25.6 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 2 collections
Une bête à visage humain qui avale tout sur son passage... Techniques mixtes sur papier bambou 265 Grs About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Watercolor [...]
Une bête à visage humain qui avale tout sur son passage...
Techniques mixtes sur papier bambou 265 Grs
Automatically translated
After a preparation workshop for the Grandes Ecoles in Paris, where I studied film photography, I won the Paris Beaux Arts competition. I wanted to join a painting workshop but the structure of the school[...]

After a preparation workshop for the Grandes Ecoles in Paris, where I studied film photography, I won the Paris Beaux Arts competition.
I wanted to join a painting workshop but the structure of the school itself was too loose. I didn't like the atmosphere. The spirit did not suit me
So I left to study oil painting on my own. Skin glue (old techniques), stand oil, siccative, learning washes, impasto...through abstract painting. My paintings were rather dark, inspired by Soulage.

I now live in Sète. .In the South the colors are more intense and more vivid, which opened the way to a more lively and colorful painting towards a figuration free from realistic constraints, playing with shapes as with words and borrowing from dreams its poetic verve.
I combine a number of techniques and supports: watercolor inks and pencils, graphite, India ink and multiple-tip pens on paper, acrylic paint on paper. Acrylic and oil on canvas. For oil; I prepare my painting mediums myself with Venetian turpentine and Dammar varnish. Which gives the surface a much more enameled and shiny finish.

As for acrylic, I sometimes make my paints with natural pigments. The result is much more beautiful...However, the artist is also a craftsman and must acquire all the keys to his trade to provide a finished object that is successful in both content and form. I work with acrylic on sheet after priming with gesso to consolidate the sheet although I paint on 300 grs watercolor paper. I use brushes and painting knives to superimpose layers when I want to create vibrations in contact with light.

My paintings follow the thread of my dreams. I imprint the techniques on several currents of art but my works are above all the reflection of a totally personal universe, an alchemy of styles in a constant search for means of expression in the respect and sincerity of a universe teeming with symbols and magic within the image itself.
My painting touches on many movements while creating a very personal and singular whole. Cubism, surrealism and more classical art, then primitivism, combine to bring symbols into play. The figures flourish in a theatrical way in order to tell stories drawing on the unconscious, tales and legends or to convey a strong message about the universality of man as a #039;a living being, charged with consciousness
and carrying emotions and feelings making it interact with its community and its environment...its wonderful place of life that is the earth!

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