After You Left (2021) Pintura por Asia Bochenek

Pintura en Lienzo De Lino, 31,9x25,6 in
2.683,56 US$
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Listo para colgar
  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Acrílico en Lienzo De Lino
  • Dimensiones Altura 31,9in, Anchura 25,6in
  • Estado de la obra de arte La obra de arte está en perfectas condiciones
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Pinturas menos de 5.000 US$ Expresionismo Amor
A passionate love affair. This painting expresses something what never suppose to happen but it did. The unexpected feeling right after someone leaves. Maybe they just left the bedroom to make us morning coffee, left for a few days or left our life for good? As time is spiral and we live many lives through many loves I like to believe, there is never[...]
A passionate love affair. This painting expresses something what never suppose to happen but it did. The unexpected feeling right after someone leaves. Maybe they just left the bedroom to make us morning coffee, left for a few days or left our life for good? As time is spiral and we live many lives through many loves I like to believe, there is never a true ending or beginning to our story. And does it have to be?

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Asia is a Polish-born, French and UK-based abstract artist whose style has evolved from intuitive abstract expressionism into spiritual abstract art, expressing a deep connection to the universe, and exploring[...]

Asia is a Polish-born, French and UK-based abstract artist whose style has evolved from intuitive abstract expressionism into spiritual abstract art, expressing a deep connection to the universe, and exploring concepts of time, light and multidimensionality.

A review from Ilaria Falchetti, Art Curator at M.A.D.S Art Gallery in Milan from an InternationalArt Exhibition, September 2021.

"She gathers everything positive the world has to offer, creates a close spiritual bond with her soul and tries to connect with the viewer. The brushstrokes she lays on the canvas are not planned, they are free from any constraints and able to free themselves in space, creating shapes and drawing emotions. 

Asia transmits pure energy and enables the viewer to listen to her heart and soul. In the painting She the artist enhances the soft, curved forms of the female body. Against a background of broad green and blue brushstrokes, a female body is drawn in silhouette with contrasting colours such as red and purple. Touches of white colour create a pleasant play of light that gives dynamism to the work and creates three-dimensionality.

The woman's body is the bearer of universal symbols, representing the beginning of everything, the birth of the universe. A safe haven in which to shelter. The female body is disarmingly beautiful, balanced, soft in its lines and elegant. The brushstrokes are spontaneous, free from all constraints. The marks on the canvas are not sharp, but soft and pleasantly blended together. The female body is deliberately unfinished, barely visible in the background. It emerges dynamically, becoming the real protagonist of the scene. The energy it emanates is very strong, so much so that it leads the spectator to ask questions. The artwork expresses peace, tranquillity and balance and encourages meditation.The contours are lost in the green, blending with the oil colours, releasing the true intrinsic energy of the subject. Besides being an artist, Asia is also an energy healer. This greatly influences the creative process."

Ver más de Asia Bochenek

Ver todas las obras
Pintura en Lienzo De Lino | 39,4x28,7 in
3.000,21 US$
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Pintura en Lienzo | 23,6x15,8 in
Pintura en Lienzo | 23,6x15,8 in


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