Homo singularity (2021) Arte digital por Antonio Silvestro

Papel de bellas artes, 9x8 in

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33,09 US$
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  1354 px  

1500 px
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Banco de imágenes de arte
  • Este trabajo es una "edición abierta" Arte digital, Impresión Giclée / Impresión digital
  • Dimensiones Varios tamaños disponibles
  • Varios apoyos disponibles (Papel de bellas artes, Impresión sobre metal, Impresión sobre lienzo)
  • Enmarcado Enmarcado disponible (Marco flotante + bajo vidrio, Marco + bajo vidrio acrílico)
  • Categorías Arte Conceptual Ciencia
The meeting between two Nirvana over empty space distances via it and through it, in the resonating antennas that merges the Sushumna Nadhi passing through the lymphatic system and the Marianna Trench where Poseidon rules brighten by the light of Neptune tuning the string of the ecstatic in the Samadhi quantum state between to Swarzchild Black Holes.[...]
The meeting between two Nirvana over empty space distances via it and through it, in the resonating antennas that merges the Sushumna Nadhi passing through the lymphatic system and the Marianna Trench where Poseidon rules brighten by the light of Neptune tuning the string of the ecstatic in the Samadhi quantum state between to Swarzchild Black Holes. Readers on the other side felt in the Anahata chakra oscillating from past and future. What may be depending on what it was will be so, better if you will write it true, one with them all as it is, perfect, strong, clear, unique, diverse, free, powerful. Creation and order go on the same side, who writer knows what he would like to edit later few lines, some grammar errors, but certainly, do not change everything and start from the beginning, as a love story, the next after the previous, a bit better, based on who you were for who you will be with her. You there, waiting for making yourself a gift, something is never seen, different, here.

Temas relacionados

FreedomBlack HoleWormholeNirvanaTime

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Would you like to learn how to digitalize your handmade sketches colouring them with sustainable ink without polluting the environment in which you are living on the planet Earth with potential eco-toxic stains?[...]

Would you like to learn how to digitalize your handmade sketches colouring them with sustainable ink without polluting the environment in which you are living on the planet Earth with potential eco-toxic stains? If so, this is the right stream for you.

Please, pay attention to the details, px for px, if you wish like the videos after having seen them, and subscribe to the ‘Antonio Silvestro’ YouTube channel!

Antonio Silvestro has been making a different kind of art operas, being its own life the first along with the decadent D’ Annunzio belief; inspired by the symmetry of Nature like the ones depicted by the perfect geometries like the never-ending fractals patterns defined by the Fibonacci series, the instantaneous circle described by Giotto and the genial Da Vinci prospective, otherwise, fascinated by the light-sound Igor Kandinsky duality, the naïf Juan Mirò, and the flip-flop Pablo Picasso ordering that make reality and imagination a complex ascensional path.

Being the travel ‘pencil on paper’ sketches his original way of impressing the beauty of the planet surrounding himself, his minimalist style sees itself filled by the PhotoActive Radiation emitted by plenty of different pigments expressing the tonality of the simple relativity merged within the absolute. Not just paintings, but collages with both living and ‘inert’ materials, have been performed of composition done by both the outer and inner the vital energy. This last flowing in himself has been depicted when Artonio saw himself portrayed by contemporary artists of fine reality.

At date, he hasn’t explored any psychedelics entheogenic nootropics enhancers, apart Cannabis sativa, but probably he will follow the steps of Alex Grey, assuming DiMethylTryptamine – the spirit molecule while processing its art, certainly, according to the legal status of the country hosting him.

Ver más de Antonio Silvestro

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