Naga system guide (2023) Malarstwo autorstwa Арнольд Медичи

Akryl na Płótno, 31,5x23,6 in
768,6 USD
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32,59 USD
130,40 USD
271,65 USD
Rozdzielczość maksymalna: 2986 x 4206 px
Pobierz natychmiast po zakupie
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Sprzedawca Арнольд Медичи

Pojedyncza praca
Grafika sygnowana przez artystę
Zawiera certyfikat autentyczności
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Akryl na Płótno
  • Wymiary Wysokość 31,5in, Szerokość 23,6in
  • Stan grafiki Grafika jest w idealnym stanie!
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta grafika nie jest oprawiona
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 1 000 USD Sztuka duchowa Ezoteryka
Another artifact painting was created in the laboratory of the Kailash Commandery. The title of the painting is “System Guide Nag.” His name is Ush-soo. System guides are internal service persons for creatures with developed consciousness, ordering and controlling the mechanisms of thinking. Ush-soo - Nag-man. He is depicted in[...]
Another artifact painting was created in the laboratory of the Kailash Commandery. The title of the painting is “System Guide Nag.” His name is Ush-soo.
System guides are internal service persons for creatures with developed consciousness, ordering and controlling the mechanisms of thinking.
Ush-soo - Nag-man. He is depicted in a desert mountainous area. He wears the attributes of a combat reconnaissance officer. In their hands are weapons and means of communication. Behind Naga is a rocky valley, rocks, and ponds. The time depicted is twilight, the Moon has risen in the sky, and a dying sunset is above the horizon.
In his right hand, Ush-soo holds a combat discharger. These Naga weapons were sometimes found on ancient relief images from Southeast Asia. The Master also gives a description of similar Naga weapons using an electric discharge. In his left hand, Naga has a remote radio communication device. Presumably, Ush-soo can use this device for emergency communication with its owner. Although this is not the only method used by the system guide. More often he uses telepathic communication, in which Nagas are very strong.
On Ush-soo’s belt are attached various instruments and tools of the Nagas and something like “bags-boxes”, which can contain standard food and medicine.
Bracelets on both hands modulate incoming and outgoing energy flows.
On the head of the system guide is a headdress similar to the crown of the Egyptian pharaohs. This is a device for processing large amounts of information. Earrings modulate the range of vision.
The system guide has thick dark hair. Muscular and militant torso. A device that looks like body jewelry is attached to his body. It modulates the ranges of will, emotion and thinking.
Ush-soo's gaze is concentrated in observation. This is typical for Nagas with their psionic abilities. At the same time, the system guide is fixed in the present moment and is ready to come into contact with the owner at any second.
The picture shows two Naga runes - the rune of constructing portals and the rune of the Naga communication channel.
Naga has excellent vision in several planes and instant reaction. His strength and agility in protecting his master and repelling enemies are incomparable. It helps to establish hypnotic power over others. He knows the secrets of healing. He knows the secret roads to treasures.
Ush-soo becomes a guide to the secrets of mental strength, wealth, health and wisdom. He establishes a connection with the Naga civilization. Through it you can call Naga service guides, access the Naga database, Naga expert systems, catalogs of videos and static images of Nagas.
At any moment, Ush-soo is ready to listen carefully to his owner and fulfill his wishes. He can also initiate contact on the parameters of safety, healing, life situations and development.
The picture helps to create a setting (position of the assemblage point) that initiates contact with the Naga race and the use of the Naga Base - Naga technology, Naga medicine, Naga artifacts, principles for the development of Naga consciousness and control of the surrounding world, Naga defensive and offensive weapons.

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Przetłumaczone automatycznie
 I studied at art school in St. Petersburg (Russia), 1973-1983. Then he studied at the institute - St. Petersburg Art and Industry Academy. A.L. Stieglitz (Leningrad Higher Art and Industrial School named after[...]

 I studied at art school in St. Petersburg (Russia), 1973-1983. Then he studied at the institute - St. Petersburg Art and Industry Academy. A.L. Stieglitz (Leningrad Higher Art and Industrial School named after V.I. Mukhina), the specialty I received was an artist in monumental and decorative painting, 1986-1991; I also have a scientific specialty - candidate of cultural studies, Moscow State University, 1999, for the last 13 years I have been studying and developing at the school of the Atlantis Technological Association, specializing in the magic of Wizards, specializing in the creation of artifacts and objects that have a biotechnological impact.


    Work experience: teaching - St. Petersburg State Academy of Arts and Industry named after. A.L. Stieglitz, St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design and other universities, Commandery “Kailas” TA “Atlantis”; practical – participation in group and personal exhibitions, book illustration, interior design projects; creation of artifacts.


    The functionality of the created artifacts: protective, impact, therapeutic general and targeted purposes, aimed at solving situations in society, aimed at creating well-being in the family, aimed at acquiring wealth and accumulating treasures, aimed at changing the parameters of consciousness, aimed at changing the parameters of the external world.


   I produce a full cycle of creating artifacts, including material media from various materials: paintings, mandalas, graphic drawings - oil, tempera, acrylic, watercolor, Chinese ink, computer vector and raster graphics; figurines made of clay, wood, polymer materials, talismans, both for wearing on oneself and for installation in a room, car, etc. - rings, bracelets, pendants, coins, medals, figurines, bowls, candlesticks, knives, watches, art magnets.

    Participation in the activities of the Technological Association "Atlantis": creation of locations in the game project "World of Atlantis" (the largest project of the Association), creation of locations in the project "Temples".

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