"When garbage becomes art" (2023) Rzeźba autorstwa Aristotle Vikentiou

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Sprzedawca Aristotle Vikentiou

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33,48 USD
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  844 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 844x1500
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Bank dzieł sztuki
When garbage becomes art" – Experiential participatory actions of schools for sustainability, circular economy and reuse! The actions entitled "When garbage becomes art", which were implemented through the participatory and experiential involvement of students, aimed to raise awareness on the key issues of sustainability and[...]
When garbage becomes art" – Experiential participatory actions of schools for sustainability, circular economy and reuse!
The actions entitled "When garbage becomes art", which were implemented through the participatory and experiential involvement of students, aimed to raise awareness on the key issues of sustainability and environmental protection through reuse, recycling and circular economy, with the prevention of packaging waste being a priority.The children's experiential activities were above all inclusive and full of empathy, as students from formal education schools of all levels participated.
The coordination of the actions for the European Week for Waste Reduction, with the slogan "Think sustainability - Reduce Packaging" was carried out by the Hellenic Organization for the Reduction of Recycling.
The sculptor Aristotle Vikentiou worked with love and a sense of contribution together with the children and contributed to the creation of the sculpture that was created.
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