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Brooklyn, New York, United States
Artist (Drawing, Painting)
Born 1958

 Nina Tokhtaman Valetova is New York based american-russian artist. Holding Master's degree  in Art from University BGPU in Ufa, she has been working as a painter since 1982. Nina is award winner  of Premio ALBA 2009, Certificate and Medal, Casa Editrice Alba, Ferrara, Italy in 2009. Nina is American Art Award winner in category "Cubism"  in 2018.

Many of paintings are in public and private collections in Russia, United States, in Denmark, Germany. Nina Valetova explores the relationship between ancient cultures, mythologies, fantasy, metaphysics and philosophy. The theme of science is also presented in artworks, like a homotopy and mobius strip. 

Nina Tokhtaman Valetova is an established artist in the current wave of bold, experimental artists. Exploration of synthesis different styles has been a recurring feature in her work. Her paintings and drawings cannot be driven into a certain framework of definitions and stamps. In general, Nina's art does not fall into the one category and style. Often each piece is created in several styles. Searching new way in creating art, Nina establishes Synthesis Art Style in contemporary art, that combines suprematism, surrealism, cubism with abstract and figurative arts.

Discover contemporary artworks by Aresina, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary american artists. Artistic domains: Drawing, Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2012 (Country of origin United States). Buy Aresina's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Aresina. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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1 artwork by Aresina (Selection)

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Painting titled "secret garden" by Aresina, Original Artwork, Oil
secret garden - Painting, 29.9x24 in ©2019 by Aresina - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Landscape, art, arte, painting, nina valetova
"secret garden"

Oil on Canvas | 29.9x24 in

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