Two-headed Caterpillar in Blueberry Syrup (2019) Grafika cyfrowa / sztuka generowana cyfrowo autorstwa Anton Pustovalov

Grafika cyfrowa / sztuka generowana cyfrowo, 29,9x23,6 in
12 199,79 USD
Cena: Darmowa dostawa

Opinie klientów (3)
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Darmowe zwroty: Zadowolony lub zwrotowi w terminie 14 dni.
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Licencjonowanie cyfrowe

Ten obraz jest dostępny do pobrania z licencją

227,53 USD
455,06 USD
1 137,64 USD
Rozdzielczość maksymalna: 3098 x 3873 px
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Sprzedawca Anton Pustovalov

Pojedyncza praca
Grafika sygnowana przez artystę
Zawiera certyfikat autentyczności
Ta grafika pojawia się w 2 kolekcjach
"Two-headed Caterpillar in Blueberry Syrup." Taking inspiration from the surreal world of dreams, Pustovalov masterfully blends colors and forms to transport viewers into a playful and imaginative realm. The painting depicts a two-headed caterpillar, its elongated body twisting and turning across the canvas. With each head facing[...]
"Two-headed Caterpillar in Blueberry Syrup." Taking inspiration from the surreal world of dreams, Pustovalov masterfully blends colors and forms to transport viewers into a playful and imaginative realm.

The painting depicts a two-headed caterpillar, its elongated body twisting and turning across the canvas. With each head facing in opposite directions, the caterpillar seems to possess a dual nature, simultaneously exploring both the familiar and unknown. Pustovalov's unique technique brings out the caterpillar's intricate details, from the delicate segmentation of its body to the tiny legs that propel it forward.

What truly sets this painting apart is the artist's choice of subject matter. Contrasting with the naturalistic background, the caterpillar finds itself immersed in a vibrant pool of blueberry syrup. The syrup cascades around the creature, creating a surreal and visually striking effect. Pustovalov's playful take on reality engages the viewer's imagination, inviting them to question the boundaries between the ordinary and extraordinary.

Through the use of bold and vivid colors, Pustovalov creates a sense of movement and energy within the composition. The interplay of vibrant blues and purples, reminiscent of a sweet and delectable treat, evokes a sense of joy and delight. The artist's skillful brushwork and digital manipulation give the painting a lively and dynamic quality that captivates the viewer's attention.

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Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Anton Dmitrievich Pustovalov is a experimental generative artist hailing from Russia. Born on April 25, 1981, in the city of Barnaul, he grew up surrounded by the magnificent landscapes of the Altai Territory. Anton[...]

Anton Dmitrievich Pustovalov is a experimental generative artist hailing from Russia. Born on April 25, 1981, in the city of Barnaul, he grew up surrounded by the magnificent landscapes of the Altai Territory.

Anton Pustovalov's artistic journey began at Altai State University, where he pursued a degree in History. However, it was his passion for art and technology that eventually led him to explore the realm of generative digital art.

Known for his unique approach, Anton Pustovalov employs a meticulous technique in his creative process. He starts with a single image and gradually adds layers upon layers, ranging from 20 to 100, to convey his profound emotional message. Each layer contributes to the overall aesthetic, resulting in captivating and thought-provoking pieces.

In addition to his work as a generative artist, Pustovalov is also a talented composer and filmmaker. He is one of the co-founders of the ONER music project, where he merges his passion for music with his visual artistry. Furthermore, Pustovalov has gained recognition as a film director through his acclaimed short film series, 'Kolyan, Come Out!', which delves into the lives of hardworking individuals from the village of Boduny.

Anton Pustovalov's art is a captivating fusion of technology, creativity, and emotion. Through his works, he aims to create what he envisions, capturing the essence of his artistic vision and inviting viewers to interpret and experience the depth of his compositions.

Zobacz więcej od Anton Pustovalov

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