The Silence (2022) Painting by Anna Shuvaeva

Acrylic on Linen Canvas, 15.8x11.8 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Linen Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 15.8in, Width 11.8in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $1,000 Figurative Boat
Textured painting in the author's technique with neat ends without the need to make out in a baguette. At the very edge of the evening sun... I have just finished a new small in format, but intricate in texture painting "Silence", or "On the other side of reflection"... I really wanted to continue the theme of[...]
Textured painting in the author's technique with neat ends without the need to make out in a baguette.

At the very edge of the evening sun... I have just finished a new small in format, but intricate in texture painting "Silence", or "On the other side of reflection"... I really wanted to continue the theme of reflections in the water... With the play of light... Here is my favorite surface of the Water, and the Sun, it is behind the scenes, but it is in the reflection and warms and melts the sides of the boat... Quiet, warm... only light overflows of water... Pure meditation and total immersion in the "most relaxing", and bathing in silence.

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Automatically translated
Anna Shuvaeva, pseudonym Annshuart, was born in 1982 in Russia in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg).  From 5 to 17 years old she lived in the Republic of Karelia in the city of Petrozavodsk. There she[...]

Anna Shuvaeva, pseudonym Annshuart, was born in 1982 in Russia in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg).  From 5 to 17 years old she lived in the Republic of Karelia in the city of Petrozavodsk. There she studied drawing, painting, sculpture and art history for 5 years at an art school (under the guidance of teacher Natalya Borisovna Bazhenova).  

After that, having left for Moscow, fate separated her from her creative direction in a completely opposite sphere - economics and finance, although she continued to write and draw, because... my soul has always been drawn to creativity since childhood. It was not possible to keep the sleeping artist inside and bury everything creative and creative deep inside under the yoke of endless permanent numbers and analytical financial research! This separation from creativity was only temporary: so that years later, like a phoenix, at the age of 35, he could be reborn in the creative world, start painting again, replace dry numbers with canvases, paints and palette knives, and make creativity his main professional direction.

Therefore, her credo as an artist is to be free from obstacles in the real world. This is to spread your wings. This is to do in life what you like so much and for which you have always had a crazy craving. It's to soar in your creative world among bright colors, rich strokes and extraordinary textures! This is to heal the soul with creativity and be reborn like a phoenix into a strong person free from prejudices and gray patterns.

In her work, she tried different techniques: at first she painted in watercolors and pastels, as they taught the classical style in art school. I also tried the new and interesting techniques fluidart (liquid acrylic) and resinart (epoxy resin). But most of all she likes to paint in the direction of texture painting: either with oil paints without brushes using palette knives, or with the help of artistic plasters and various pastes to create relief and different textures. The paintings turn out alive, three-dimensional, you always want to touch the relief... Tactilely they look very interesting, and in different lighting the strokes and texture play very beautifully. She studied modern texture painting in 2018 under the guidance of Bryansk artist Kristina Sergeevna Brilkova.

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