London Tower Bridge (2023) Фотография - Andrea Gruber

Бумага изобразительного искусства, 7x12 in

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Фотобанк для художественных фотографий
  • Эта работа является "Открытое издание" Фотография, Giclée Print / Цифровая печать
  • Размеры Доступны несколько размеров
  • Доступно несколько опор (Бумага изобразительного искусства, Тиснение по металлу, Печать на холсте)
  • Рама Обрамление доступно (Плавающая рамка + под стеклом, Рамка + Под акриловое стекло)
  • Состояние картины Работа в очень хорошем состоянии
  • Категории Классицизм История
Last December I was for a few days in London and took the opportunity to make some photos. Yes, I know, it is not the best month and this was a cloudy and rainy day. But I did the best of it. По поводу данного произведения: Классификация, методы & Стили[...]
Last December I was for a few days in London and took the opportunity to make some photos. Yes, I know, it is not the best month and this was a cloudy and rainy day. But I did the best of it.

Связанные темы


Переведено автоматически
I am a 43 years old woman, which is originally from Austria but lives in the Republic of Ireland since 2017. As always, most people in my life back in Austria, called me crazy, for giving up a not so well paid[...]

I am a 43 years old woman, which is originally from Austria but lives in the Republic of Ireland since 2017. As always, most people in my life back in Austria, called me crazy, for giving up a not so well paid "save job" and try something new in a complete other country. 

I was already in Ireland from 2001 - 2002 and back then I fell in love with the people and the country. As I left it in 2002 I promised myself, that I will come back. In my mind, it was sooner, but at the end, I achieved that goal. 

I started to draw by the age of 2,5 (of course back then more circles and stuff like that, but I kept on going and with the time, I tried more different techniques and material. My drawing and painting is self-taught by watching Bob Ross (who was really a good teacher) and reading in magazines and books about new techniques, or how to improve it. 

I bought my first camera as I was 19 and still have it and well, it was still a film-camera. Today, it is only used to look at it and remember it, but I still want to keep it for memories. Because I like to improve myself, I joined a photography society in 2018 here in Ireland. 

Until 2020 I was still working in a "normal job" and did all the art stuff next to it. And with all, I mean also, back in Austria heaving acting lessons and being on stage from 2014 - 2016. I signed up to a Casting agency in 2013, in which I was in, until I left and had also luck to find here in Ireland an agency in 2022. By the way, as in 2020 everything closed, I took the opportunity to finish my degree.

I was also doing jazz dance as I was a child. So I have to confess, that I do not have a registration number yet, because I am still at the beginning of my journey of being a self employed full time artist, but I am also aware of it, that all good things needs it's time to grow. Because of this I just mentioned and many more, I allow myself to see me as an "full-blood-artist" (from the German "Vollblutkuenstler"). That word is inspired by another word, which really exists in German and that would be "Vollblutpferde" (word by word: "full blood horses"), which describes a certain type of horse. 

As I was 12, we visited with our class the little Studio called "Bavaria Film Studio" and I fell in love with film making and always wanted to do something with it. My parents wanted to see me in a decent job. The fire never died and so I did the evening school and later colleges next to my "normal job" do achieve also this goal. 

I have a kind of gift. Certain type of art comes easy to me, that is, why I hope that this is a real start of a new journey. At least I want to try it, because otherwise I will never know it. 

Смотреть ещё Andrea Gruber

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