Spring street (2022) Peinture par Anastassiya Suslova

Aquarelle sur Papier, 16,1x12,2 in
234 $US
Prix: Livraison gratuite
Avis clients (1)
Expédié depuis: Kazakhstan (Tube) Expédié sous 2 semaines
Satisfait ou remboursé sous 14 jours
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Acheter une impression

Cette impression est disponible en plusieurs tailles.

73,85 $US
93,36 $US
147,57 $US
Avis clients Excellent
Les artistes touchent leurs droits d'auteur à chaque vente

Vendeur Anastassiya Suslova

Licence numérique

Cette image est disponible pour téléchargement avec une licence

33,00 $US
130,00 $US
271,00 $US
Résolution maximale: 2446 x 3256 px
Téléchargez immédiatement après l'achat
Les artistes touchent leurs droits d'auteur à chaque vente

Vendeur Anastassiya Suslova

Oeuvre unique
Oeuvre signée par l'artiste
Certificat d'authenticité inclus
Cette oeuvre apparaît dans 5 collections
  • Œuvre d'art originale (One Of A Kind) Peinture, Aquarelle sur Papier
  • Dimensions Hauteur 16,1in, Largeur 12,2in
  • État de l'œuvre L'oeuvre est en parfait état
  • Encadrement Cette oeuvre n'est pas encadrée
  • Catégories Peintures à moins de 500 $US Figuratif Ville
I so want spring, so that drip of thawing icicle sound outside the window and the rays of an indecisive spring sun make their way into the room, I want to wander the streets in an unbuttoned jacket and watch how bizarrely the sky is reflected in the puddles. It was with such feelings that this picture was written. Quiet day off, no cars, peace, and[...]
I so want spring, so that drip of thawing icicle sound outside the window and the rays of an indecisive spring sun make their way into the room, I want to wander the streets in an unbuttoned jacket and watch how bizarrely the sky is reflected in the puddles. It was with such feelings that this picture was written. Quiet day off, no cars, peace, and quiet around, but the birds have already arrived...
Spring is soon...

Thèmes connexes

StreetUsaSpringReflectionResidential Area

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Hello! My name is Anastasia Suslova, and I'm an artist from Almaty. In my works, I strive to convey tranquility and the meditative essence of the moment, drawing inspiration from the concept of Slow[...]

My name is Anastasia Suslova, and I'm an artist from Almaty. In my works, I strive to convey tranquility and the meditative essence of the moment, drawing inspiration from the concept of Slow Life, which is dear to my heart. This concept encourages modern individuals to slow down the pace of life, savor the present moment, and pay more attention to what truly matters. Whether my art takes the form of portraits or landscapes, my primary goal is to infuse each piece with an atmosphere of serenity, devoid of aggressive colors and shapes.

The main technique I use is watercolor. It's a soft and malleable medium that allows me to capture the ethereal and light qualities of what I see and feel. However, before I begin the creative process, I engage in meditation to slow down and detach from the hustle and bustle of the modern world. This practice helps me focus and inspires me to create artwork that can help people find moments of peace and inner harmony.

I graduated from the Almaty Art School named after O. Tansykbaev with honors in 2004, and today, I am fully committed to my professional development. I find inner stability in the artistic process, dedicating my mind and heart to it. My primary desire is to contribute to our fast-paced world by allowing people to break away from the rush of days and truly savor each moment, experiencing its full richness. I believe that art has the power to transform and inspire, and my works are aimed at inviting viewers on an inner journey to find peace and harmony within their own lives.

Voir plus de Anastassiya Suslova

Voir toutes les œuvres
Aquarelle sur Papier | 16,1x12,2 in
236 $US
Impressions disponibles
Aquarelle sur Papier | 27,6x19,7 in
521 $US
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Aquarelle sur Papier | 11,7x16,5 in
216 $US
Impressions disponibles
Aquarelle sur Papier | 16,1x12,2 in
216 $US
Impressions disponibles


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