adult (2024) Σχέδιο από Анастасия Паршина

Όχι προς πώληση

Πωλητής Анастасия Паршина

I'm from Ukraine, and I drew this when I turned 18. Here are fragments of my life: my first phone, my cat, my favorite bracelets, the game we played with my father, the war. I wanted to show people my life, and I will be happy if a piece of me pleases your eyes [...]
I'm from Ukraine, and I drew this when I turned 18. Here are fragments of my life: my first phone, my cat, my favorite bracelets, the game we played with my father, the war. I wanted to show people my life, and I will be happy if a piece of me pleases your eyes

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Αυτόματη μετάφραση
Ukrainian artist lives by art. Art is my way of being, my tool for expressing my feelings and thoughts. I have been drawing since early childhood, I studied in college, and now I am getting a higher education.[...]

Ukrainian artist lives by art. Art is my way of being, my tool for expressing my feelings and thoughts. I have been drawing since early childhood, I studied in college, and now I am getting a higher education. I draw with all possible techniques: pencils, paints, digital art. I draw on paper, canvas, blackboard. I am inspired by the world around me. I adore spring, summer, autumn. I like to take a small sketchbook and a couple of pencils with me on walks so that I can make small sketches of my future paintings at any time. I am inspired by the prospect that people from different countries will want to buy my drawings, it's so wonderful! I want to share art because it unites us all, right?

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Ακουαρέλα στο Χαρτί | 8,3x11,8 in
189,79 $
Κοντέ στο Χαρτί | 11,8x15,8 in
374,02 $
Ακρυλικό στο Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο MDF | 11,6x7,7 in
361,82 $
Ακουαρέλα στο Χαρτί | 11,8x7,9 in
284,12 $


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