CITY ABSTRACTION (2021) Painting by Anandswaroop Manchiraju

Oil on Canvas, 45x35 in
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Seller Anandswaroop Manchiraju

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 2 collections
Abstract art is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect. Strictly speaking, the word abstract means to separate or withdraw something from something else. The term can be applied to art that is based an object, figure or landscape,[...]
Abstract art is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect. Strictly speaking, the word abstract means to separate or withdraw something from something else. The term can be applied to art that is based an object, figure or landscape, where forms have been simplified or schematised. It is also applied to art that uses forms, such as geometric shapes or gestural marks, which have no source at all in an external visual reality. Some artists of this ‘pure’ abstraction have preferred terms such as concrete art or non-objective art, but in practice the word abstract is used across the board and the distinction between the two is not always obvious. Abstract art is often seen as carrying a moral dimension, in that it can be seen to stand for virtues such as order, purity, simplicity and spirituality. Since the early 1900s, abstract art has formed a central stream of modern art.

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City Abstraction

Anand Manchiraju is an internationally acclaimed, award-winning artist based in India. Living close to Himalaya Mountains, he is inspired by the splendors of nature although his subjects vary from landscapes[...]

Anand Manchiraju is an internationally acclaimed, award-winning artist based in India. Living close to Himalaya Mountains, he is inspired by the splendors of nature although his subjects vary from landscapes to cityscapes, still life, figurative, portraits, some digital art and Hindu gods and goddesses.

Anand considers himself an artist by birth, photographer by profession and sculptor by practice. He is an experimentalist at heart. He enjoys experimenting with art style, medium and the tools he uses. He has worked with traditional oils on canvas, acrylics on canvas to his own unique mediums - photographic chemicals on bromides (which he calls photo-paintings) and oil and acrylic on x-ray films.

Anand’s artistic style ranges from impressionistic to abstract.

Anand Manchiraju Artist Biography

Indian Anand Manchiraju developed a passion in his childhood for painting, influenced by his father, a famous artist. Upon graduation from JNTU, India, Anand started a career as an artist in government. He has also been involved in promoting arts for 30 years as President of Andhra Academy of Arts. He has completed over 3000 artworks and has also been honored with 30 solo shows across India. In addition, Anand has participated in international exhibitions across the world winning numerous awards for his work.

Anand Manchiraju Artist Statement

When I reflect upon my long association with art, I find that the creative process is just as intriguing and rewarding as the final outcome of my projects. This desire to create has always been strong even when others have tried to dissuade me. The internal push to create has given me an appreciation for the process of exploration, patience, and the beauty of art. I believe this creative and explorative journey has become about freedom to create and the freedom to express myself.

Visit Anand at the below links to learn more about him, his art and to buy or commission an artwork from him.

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