Happy sad little Bob (2022) Malarstwo autorstwa Ana Maria Guta


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Sprzedawca Ana Maria Guta

Papier artystyczny, 10x8 in

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275,83 USD
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  1183 px  

1500 px
Wymiary pliku (px) 1183x1500
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Wszystkie obrazy na Artmajeur są oryginalnymi dziełami sztuki stworzonymi przez artystów, wszystkie prawa są ściśle zastrzeżone. Uzyskanie licencji daje prawo do wykorzystania lub wykorzystania obrazu na warunkach licencji. Możliwe są drobne modyfikacje, takie jak zmiana wymiarów lub ostrości obrazu tak, żeby obraz optymalnie wpasował się do danego projektu, jednak zabronione jest dokonywanie jakichkolwiek modyfikacji, które mogłyby zaszkodzić oryginalnej pracy - zwłaszcza jej integralności (niedopuszczalne są zmiany kształtów, zniekształcenia, odcinanie części pracy, zniekształcanie, zmiana kolorów, dodawanie elementów itd.). Radykalne zmiany obrazu są możliwe jedynie po otrzymaniu pisemnej zgody artysty.

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Jeśli Twoje użytkowanie danego obrazu nie jest objęte standardowymi licencjami, skontaktuj się z nami na potrzeby niestandardowej licencji.

Bank dzieł sztuki
  • Oryginalna praca (One Of A Kind) Malarstwo, Akryl na Płótno
  • Wymiary 21,7x17,7 in
    Wymiary samej pracy, bez ramy: Wysokość 19,7in, Szerokość 15,8in
  • Oprawianie w ramy Ta praca jest oprawiona w ramę
  • Kategorie Obrazy poniżej 1 000 USD
I chose Bob Marley because, in addition to being a musician, he was a man of truth, integrity, empowerment, positive change, kindness and compassion. His music inspire and encourage us to seek love, peace, freedom and much more intrinsic values. O tej pracy:[...]
I chose Bob Marley because, in addition to being a musician, he was a man of truth, integrity, empowerment, positive change, kindness and compassion.
His music inspire and encourage us to seek love, peace, freedom and much more intrinsic values.
Przetłumaczone automatycznie
Ana Maria Guta was born in Onesti, Bacau, Romania, on January 20, 1990, shortly after the fall of communism and lives in Constanta, Romania. She spent her childhood in the countryside with her adoptive grandparents,[...]

Ana Maria Guta was born in Onesti, Bacau, Romania, on January 20, 1990, shortly after the fall of communism and lives in Constanta, Romania. She spent her childhood in the countryside with her adoptive grandparents, who gave her a lot of unconditional love and the freedom to explore nature and to establish authentic relationships with the environment  she came in contact with. She seeks solitude, inner peace and comprehension that have been found in nature.

She studies natural sciences at the “Vasile Alecsandri National College”, Bacau, Romania, and then she goes to Iasi to study journalism and mass communication at “Alexandru Ioan Cuza University”. After two years of journalism, Ana renounce at university because she can not express herself as she would have liked and does not want to be part of a world where there seems to be less ethical values and truth.

“I remember wanting to be more when I was little, but the first word I said to the curious people who asked me this question was painter. Then came the nun, the skater, the doctor ( but I was afraid of blood ), the journalist and the gymnast.", says Ana.

As a teenager, Ana Maria, works in different fields, learns new skills, where she seeks to be able to express herself through creativity and to serve human interests. After giving up a career in a fine jewellery multinational, in 2019 she decides that she needs to express herself doing what she loves the most, what her soul loves, try to express what she feels, thinks and tell her own truth.

Thus, she pursues her childhood desire to be a painter and also a holistic energy therapist, which can be interpreted as a meeting between a nun and a doctor. The paths of destiny are mysterious. Ana wants to contribute to changing the world for the better, to inspire and give love, courage and hope through her art and to give compassion and help through holistic energy therapy as many people as possible.

In the field of the art, Ana Maria Guta is a self-taugh artist. As an emerging artist, Ana seeks to explore more about Universe, consciousness, divinity, life journey and energy around and inside us. The visions, dreams and feelings are transposed in a very expressive way that shares the emotion energy of that unique present moment creation to the viewer, to send him into another world, without any kind of limitations. She loves to analyze the hidden parts of our indentities, through an immersive experience inside the universe of the complex labyrinths of our consciousness. The influences found in her art are from abstract art, nature, spirituality, the Universe, works by Vincent van Gogh, science, abstract expressionism, conceptual art and contemporary art.

The focus of her work is the colors, shapes and structures, which she wants to integrate in a certain harmony in order not to imitate, dictate, compare, repeat, model or compensate.

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Zobacz wszystkie dzieła
Akryl na Płótno | 11,8x15,8 in
426,51 USD
381,5 USD
Akryl na Papier | 11,7x16,5 in
498,54 USD
Akryl na Płótno | 15,8x11,8 in
611,07 USD
Akryl na Papier | 19,7x25,6 in
836,15 USD


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